Chapter 1: Plan

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A week had passed since Damian's incident and the little eighteen month old was as happy as ever. However all of the little tykes brothers and father had become even more overprotective. They would often either carry him around or make him take their hand when walking around. But they still made sure to keep their baby entertained though he was getting stir crazy from being stuck inside all week.

At the moment Bruce was playing a game of hide and seek with his son who, much to his heart's ache, was actually a pretty good hider. He had so far looked under the couches, behind curtains, behind doors, and now in the kitchen.

"Alright Damian where are you hiding?"

As Bruce looked through the kitchen Damian, who was wearing a red onesie and blue sweats, was giggling as he creeped to the back door. When he finally got to it he tried to reach his pudgy little hand to the door handle but unfortunately was too short to reach it.

Then Damian saw the chair that was nearby and went over to it using all his tiny strength to push it over to the door. Then he struggling but successfully got on top of the chair, unlocked the door, and pulled down the handle opening the door.

Damian giggled happily as he hopped off the chair and ran onto the snow covered back porch. Even with the experience Damian went through he still loved the snow. He gawked at the white powder wanting nothing more than to play in it.

He tromped over to the edge ready to walk himself down the stairs when he was suddenly picked up. He turned around to see his father holding him and giving him the look.

"Damian what are you doing out here?" Bruce said as he held his son out an arms distance so he could directly in his eyes.

"Play papa!" Damian yelled as he struggled in his father's grasp.

"Damian you know you're not allowed out here alone and without any snow clothes. Now come on let's go inside."

Bruce then held Damian close to his chest and started to go inside closing and locking the door behind him. Damian continued to struggle in his father's arms sick of being stuck inside.

"Papa!" Damian whined.

"Damian stop it this is not acceptable behavior now stop or you're going to timeout."

Damian immediately stopped but pouted in his father's arms. Bruce saw his son's expression and while he didn't want to give in to his son's behavior he knew he had been a little to overprotective by keeping his son inside all week. The poor little guy was probably bored out of his mind so he knew what he needed to do.

"Alright Damian we can go outside."

Damian smiled and hugged his father to thank him for finally letting him out of the house.

"But first we have to get you dressed properly and do not leave papa's sight when we're out there ok."

Damian nodded his head in agreement but still pouted about having to wear his winter clothes. He hated them because they were so big and puffy making it very hard for him to move around or walk.

As Bruce walked over to Damian's nursery he saw the boys out in the hall giving him an idea.

"Hey boys me and Damian are going out to play in the snow want to join us."

Almost immediately the boys answered yes and went to get their snow gear on. Bruce chuckled and then went to get Damian dressed.

Within minutes everyone was ready and outside playing in the snow. However through the entire time everyone fought over who got to play with Damian or do some of his firsts with him in the snow. Dick and Jason were ready to murder each other over who would build Damian's first snowman with him. Tim nearly died when he stole snow angel making with Damian from Bruce, but he did get to go sledding with his little boy so that beat that experience.

They all played and played with each other for nearly three hours until Damian started to shiver and fall asleep. Almost immediately everyone was concerned and head inside knowing the little baby needed to get warm immediately. However as they all rushed to get inside they were all unaware that they were being watched.

"Will that all Lord al Ghul?" A man sitting in a tree wearing winter stealth gear.

"Yes that will be all Silence you may proceed with retrieving my grandson. The Bat may have thought he was finished with us but his son still holds much promise for us."

"Of course my lord I will contact you when I have completed my task."

"See that you do."

With that the intercom shut off leaving only an assassin and his mission.

Meanwhile back inside Damian what's wrapped tightly in a blanket and being held by Bruce. The little guy was having a little trouble trying to warm up again after being out so long. Bruce beat himself up the entire time feeling so stupid for letting Damian be out there so long instead of being a responsible father and brought him in after a little more than an hour.

However Damian hated seeing his father so sad over it so he tried to act like he felt better, but every time he tried to get out of the blanket he started to shiver immediately.

"Sory Papa." Damian apologized feeling it was his fault his father felt so sad.

"Hey now it's ok Papa is just worried about you so cheer up you make Papa more sad when you're sad."

Immediately Damian hugged his father's neck simply needing his love. Bruce gladly returned it feeling happy that his son truly loved him, he didn't know what he would do without his special little baby boy. For the rest of the day Damian would only have Bruce no matter what. He did luckily feel better after about two hours but he still just wanted his father.

The whole family then had dinner which was made by Alfred and was delicious as usual. It was a nice warm chicken soup with some soft rolls. Bruce first started to feed Damian before he ate making sure to give him small bites for the little baby to insure he didn't choke.

After they were all done they all decided to watch a Christmas movie together seeing that Christmas was coming up. They watched Home Alone resulting in large amounts of laughter and joy. After it was finished everyone decided to go to bed since it was late.

However that night Bruce decided to have Damian sleep in his bed worried he would be freezing again. Everyone said goodnight and then headed up to their beds. Bruce first stopped by Damian's nursery and changed his diaper and put him in a nice warm red sleeper. He then wrapped him in a blanket and took him to his room. Bruce then laid his son on his bed while he went to get into his pajamas. Once he was done he saw his son was fast asleep making him smile. Bruce then carefully got into bed and then gently drew his son close to his chest. Damian immediately drew closer to the heat sources and grabbed onto his father's shirt.

Bruce smiled once more and locked his arms tightly around his son knowing he was always safe as long as he was with him. Within minutes the two were fast asleep and stayed undisturbed for two hours. However evil found its way into the house to take away the happiness that was there.

Silence first disabled the security system and entered through the bathroom window in Bruce's bedroom slowly creeping to the room and crawled on it thanks to some advanced technology he had. Soon he was directly above Bruce's bed using his night vision goggles to see directly where his target was. He then set a device on the roof that shot out a rope directly over Damian. Sneakily the man went down the rope and then pulled out a can. He shook it up and then sprayed Bruce and Damian knocking them out for a guaranteed two hours.

He then untangled Damian from Bruce's arms and picked him up putting him in a sling on his back. He then pulled out a sheet of paper and tossed it onto a nightstand smiling wickedly under his mask from his actions. He then went back to the window and slipped out with the glue and treasure of the Wayne's leaving them in for a great shock in the morning.

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