Chapter 2: Family Business

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Once Silence was outside he walked away about a hundred feet but nearly the entire time though deep asleep Damian shivered. He then pulled out a remote and pressed a small blue button causing it to send out a signal to a small plane. As it came towards him it let out a rope that Silence grabbed while it moved making him now hang in the air as he climbed up it

Once he was in the plane he walked over to the seat where Ra al Ghul was sitting with Taila next to him.

"Sir I have your grandson." Silence said as he got Damian out of the sling and presented him to Ra.

"Excellent now our little family is complete." Ra chuckled evilly as he took Damian into his arms.

"My little grandson you have grown indeed now you're just big enough to start your training and I intended to make you the most feared assassin in the world. Now why don't I return you to your mother."

Ra then handed the sleeping Damian to Talia who cradled him in her arms.

"Now you have returned to me my son and this time we won't be parted instead we shall kill alongside each other and bring death to our enemies. You shall be our greatest weapon little one and we intend to use you to the fullest we can."

Though deep in sleep Damian sensed that he was not in safe hands but quickly Talia started to sooth him bouncing him slightly and rubbing his back.

That night they flew back to their main headquarters on an island 100 miles off the shore of Singapore.

As they all got off the plane both the Ghul's smiled wickedly happy to have their prize back and each having heads full of ideas of what they could do with Damian. They walked through the base all the guards and members of the league kneeling as Ra al Ghul and Talia passed.

Ra then got to a room and pulled a lever that opened a large hole in the middle of the room. In the hole was a flight of stairs that lead deep down. They all walked down the stairs to a long hallway lite by three fluorescent lights on the roof. They eventually got to the end and to a large metal cell door. Ra ordered the soldiers behind him to open the door. They immediately did so to reveal a large practical empty room with only a few pieces of baby furniture such as a crib and changing table.

"This shall be my grandsons room and with the simplicity of it we shall harden him even now so he may be use to nothing."

Talia then put Damian in the small crib stroking her son's cheek as he slept.

"Sweet dreams my son for when you wake we shall start your training and you will become an infamous assassin."

Damian whined a little bit feeling cold from the dry cold air that was pumped into the room. Talia then left a kiss on Damian's head and then leaving the room having the guards close and lock the cell door. They then got to the other side of the hall making Ra start up the security system that filled the hall with dangerous and deadly defenses and traps. Now making it that much harder for Damian to be rescued.

Eight hours later

The sun started to shine into Bruce's starting to wake him up. As he did so Bruce felt a pounding in his head as if he had a hangover. However after about three minutes his head started to clear and he began to think clearly. Then a terrifying thought came into Bruce's head, where was his son?

Bruce shot up in his bed and looked frantically around him but saw no trace of his son. He then even rushed out of his bed and down stairs to see if anyone took him down stairs while he was sleeping. He looked all around the kitchen, living room, and dining room but no Damian.

He then rushed upstairs back to his room and looked more but then he saw a slip of paper on his night stand. He went over quickly to pick it up and when he opened it he about ripped it in half.

Dear Bruce Wayne,

When you read this it means we have your son and you will never see him again. Thanks to you keeping him from my daughter Talia he is already very far behind on his training and is far to pampered and spoiled. So we shall be taking our future assassin back and doing what we have to so he may become the most feared killer in the world. If you try to take your son back then we all in the League of Shadows will strive to kill all those you love and will leave you alive only to have you killed by your own son when the time comes.

Ra Al Ghul

Bruce crumpled the letter in half as he shook with anger. First they take his son then they threatened to take out his loved ones they were going to pay. If they thought that they were going to kill his loved ones and make his son a killer from him trying to save him then they had another thing coming.

"Tim, Dick, Jason!" Bruce called out.

Almost immediately Tim, Dick, and Jason got out of bed and ran to Bruce's room afraid for what would happen to them. But when they got to Bruce's hey saw how in distress he was. Bruce then proceeded to explain what happened to Damian making all of them angry beyond explanation.

"Those league killers are about to get their brains pounded out of their skulls!" Jason grumbled as he squeezed his fists so tight his knuckles started to turn white.

"They touch one hair on his precious little head they're going to pay with their lives." Dick stated very seriously.

"No one touches our baby brother." Tim said filled with rage over his brother's kidnapping.

"What are we waiting for let's take down those son's of-" Jason yelled as he tried to storm off ready to fight off an army of league soldiers.

"No Jason as angry as all of us are about this we have to make a plan or we could be putting all of ours lives and Damian's in danger."

"Alright but let's make this quick I don't like the thought of Damian being there to long."

"Neither do I but we still need to make a well thought out plan this is the league of shadows not some small time crime gang. Now I say we...."

In those next few minutes Bruce explained his his plan to his sons now leaving them with but one task, get suited up and rescue Damian.

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