Chapter 3: Separated

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A few hours later it was day time in Singapore and Damian began to wake up. As he woke up he noticed that his bed wasn't very comfortable and that it was very dim in the room. He then tried to look for his father but couldn't find him and he began to notice he was in a crib.

"Papa?" Damian called out now beginning to feel distressed.

Damian then stood up in the crib as he wandered around trying to find a way out, but there was no latch or side that swung open. After looking for about five minutes Damian sat down and cried. He was scared and desperate for his father to come and get him from the scary place.

Then the door creaked open as Talia walked into her crying son. She then picked him up from his crib and started to sooth him.

"Now now little one your home now and we are never going to let you go. So you should forget about your father because you'll never see him again but you have me and that's all you'll ever need. Now why don't we get you changed and dressed because you have your first training session."

"No!" Damian cried out in the usual toddler way as he pounded on Talia's chest with his tiny strength.

Talia then took Damian over to the simple changing table and changed his diaper then put a uniform on him dressing him for his training session.

Talia then picked up her son and took him out of the cell to the training room upstairs. The entire time Damian cried out for his papa wanting his loving care. Talia then opened a door and set her son on his feet quickly shoving him into this room.

Talia then went up a flight of stairs into a viewing room with her father and several League officials to watch her son train.

As Damian stood in the large empty room with tears running down his face he felt so lost and confused. Why did his father let him be with these people and where was he?

Then the door opened on the other side of the room giving Damian some hope. Then a large man walked through and towards Damian.

"Papa?" Damian asked hopefully as he held his arms up to be picked up.

However a far different and mean person came in front Damian, a famous trainer of the league who was known for his at times cruel tactics.

"Arms down you weak little grub!"

Damian immediately did so fearing the loud mean voice yelling at him.

"Alright now first we are going to learn our defense positions and then we are going to see what you can do with them!" The man yelled at Damian.

Damian was so scared he fell down on his butt and then started to skoot back to try and get away from the scary man. However the man very roughly grabbed Damian by the collar of his uniform and set him hard on his feet. Damian shook like a tree in the wind as the man scared him enough to make him wet his diaper a little bit.

"Alright first defense position works like this..."

For two hours straight the rough trainer pounded the defense positions into Damian. If he got them wrong he was whipped once but very hard with a horse whip causing tears to come to his eyes. While he had been spanked in the past by Bruce for bad behavior him believing good parenting included disciplining your children and being consistent but this man was just cruel.

Then after their training was done the man went over to the nearby wall and pressed a green button on a consul. Suddenly a hologram the size of Damian appeared with a boa staff before the already terrified baby.

"Alright grub time to see what you've learned!"

The hologram then started to attack him hitting his little arms poor Damian used to try and defend himself. By the end of it he was black and blue with bruises and unable to stand.

"You are absolutely useless someone take him out of my site!"

With the order made a soldier came out and picked up Damian taking him back to his room. The man growling in anger then headed up to the viewing room above.

"This is really the one you wanted me to train he's positively useless!" The man complained to Ra.

"Now now it's only his first day and he's only a baby still so he can't do much yet." Talia said with the little motherly feelings she had.

"While that may be true Daughter we must work towards improving him maybe some medicine and improved parts could do him some good?"

"If that's what you wish father." Talia said with a slight bit of hesitation.

"Good then now that we are all in agreement we can move forward with our plans for my grandson."

Ra then dismissed everyone and sat and thought making plans as to how to improve his weak grandson and by any means necessary.

Meanwhile at Wayne manor everyone was rushing to get ready to get their treasure back. Damian meant everything to everyone and they would get him back by any means necessary. However everyone was positively distraught over their little brothers they blamed themselves for being unable to protect him particularly Bruce who had Damian snatched straight from his arms.

"Jason where's the stealth gear I can't find it?"

"Check in the armory it should be there."

"Dick have you sharpened more Batarangs"

"Yeah we should have enough and I also got so extra smoke bombs for emergency escapes."

Everyone rushed around until after about two hours they had all the gear they needed to successfully retrieve Damian. They all gathered outside of the bat jet they had for just these out of country missions.

"Alright so how this is going to work us Alfred will be directing us from the bat computer as we do the physical part. He will have access to the surveillance systems thanks to the new interference gear Lucius made for us. Now the bat jet can get us to the base in Singapore I managed to track the League of Shadows to, thanks to the DNA left on the letter they left, in about eight hours. This is their main base of operations and it's heavily guarded by highly trained soldiers so our first priority is to get in undetected. Then we will have to track down Damian which will most likely lead us to Ra or Talia. Now if you run into then without me do not engage they are very highly skilled and dangerous. After we finally retrieve Damian we must then destroy the base to ensure they don't bother us again. Then we have to get off the island quickly and cleanly I don't want any of you trying to be a hero here this is a retrieval mission. Now on the jet we take off in three minutes."

Everyone rushed to the plane but Bruce was stopped by Alfred.

"Master Damian will probably need this when you save him." Alfred held out a diaper bag with essentials and cuddle items to help sooth the more than likely traumatized Damian.

"Thanks Alfred."

Bruce took the bag and turned around but was yet again stopped by Alfred.

"And Master Bruce please come back safe."

"I will Alfred, we all will."

The two hugged and then Bruce got on the plane strapping himself in as the autopilot initiated take off. They were now flying in the sky all only about Damian as the waited.

Bruce then noticed something in the diaper bag he reached in to pull out what was Damian's blanket from him. He snuggled it close to his chest taking in the scent it held of his son praying to whatever was out there to keep his son safe.

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