Chapter 10: Safe and Sound

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The boys all yelled as they rushed through the sky being pulled by the cords till they eventually reached the Bat plane. All of them were forcefully pulled into the plan each one of them a little shell shocked from what just happened. They all tried to process what just happened to them and what Bruce just did for them.

However Damian couldn't process this and simply just started to cry his eyes out. Dick then quickly started to try and comfort the poor little baby.

"Damian shhhhhh shhhhhh it's ok papa will be ok. Come on don't cry it will all be ok I'm sure papa will be just fine." Dick said as he bounced Damian in his arms, desperately trying to comfort his baby brother.

As he continued to try and do so he knew this just wasn't right.

"No, you what Bruce is not going to play hero right now especially if it means leaving us behind! Jason take Damian I'm turning this plane around !" Dick quickly gave the hysterical baby over to Jason and then ran over to the cockpit.

"But Dick this thing is on autopilot how are we going to turn it around?" Jason asked rocking Damian who finally started to somewhat calm down.

"Well luckily I am one of the best hackers ever so this should be a piece of cake."

Dick then opened his cuff to reveal three retractable wire which he then plugged into the plans system. It then took him but two minutes to finally hack it and make the plane turn around to go save Bruce.

Meanwhile Bruce stood alone ready to face both Ghuls and Cheshire. All of them then released themselves from their traps Ra removing the sword from his clothes and Cheshire and Talia finally escaping their solid foam prisons.

"So Batman you choose to sacrifice yourself to save your son's how noble but I'm afraid it will all be in vain. For once I kill you I will hunt down your boys till I have them all to train and use as my weapons." Ra stated.

"Not on my watch!"

Bruce then once again fought Ra only this time hand to hand. However as he did so Cheshire and Talia then attacked him making it so Batman had to take on three very skilled assassins. While he was quite skilled and could take many people on at once this was quite a challenge due to the people Bruce had to face.

For nearly ten minutes they fought each getting a strike at one another. They were all becoming exhausted having fought for the last several hours and only having a little bit of energy left.

"So Batman What are you going to do you can't fight forever and neither can we. There is no way off this island so you're trapped either you die soon or stay here prisoner to die your choice."

"Actually I'm afraid you're about to become a prisoner on your own island." Batman stared as he smirked.

It was then the charges went off causing a great explosion to go off. Both the Ghuls and Cheshire watched in shock as the explosion lit up the air. They couldn't believe someone actually managed to set charges without anyone knowing.

They all turned and charged at Bruce ready to make him pay for what he did to the League. Bruce however was just as ready, prepared to face these enemies off, ready to make them pay for hurting and taking his precious son.

Meanwhile back in the air as the boys came closer Tim tied a cord to the strap still around Jason's waist. Jason was still holding the concerned Damian who held very tightly to his big brother not wanting him to leave him either. Dick was busy flying the plane having to keep his wires in to block the autopilot from kicking back in.

"Alright so I jump out and get Bruce then you guys reel me back in."

"Ok just be careful out there and remember we only have one shot to get this right so make it count." Tim told Jason.

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