Chapter 5: Assasine

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First the plane dropped a large orb from the bottom of it. Then as it plummeted towards the earth the orb started to flash until it hit the ground releasing a clearly visible electric pulse that shut off anything that was lite within a five mile radius.

Everyone then jumped from the plane in diving position making them all plummet towards the earth at ludicrous speed. For ten minutes straight they all fell down and then they released their parachutes immediately slowing them down. Slowly they landed on the beach meaning there was no turning back now.

"Alright now we have to get through this jungle and quickly but be careful we still don't know what could be active out there." Batman said very seriously.

They all went straight into the jungle and for about an hour they made it through without trouble traveling through nearly five miles of trees however when they reached the fully operational part of the jungle that was another story.

They so far hadn't met any conscious soldiers due to the fact the pulse bomb set off their communicators and weapons causing them them to be electrocuted into shock. But now they were in the operational jungle and already they had large machine guns shoot at them, electrical traps, tripwires that triggered poisonous darts, vicious animals set on them, and deadly pitfalls nearly killed them.

"How much longer do we have?" Tim asked exhausted from the dangers of the journey.

"About one miles but I don't know how much longer we can take these traps." Dick stated just as exhausted.

"Oh I think I could tell." An evil voice chuckled.

They all turned around to see the League assassin Cheshire her freaky cat mask greetings them with its wide creepy smile and dressed in her usual green uniform. Not only that but Cheshire had a whole group of assassins behind her poised and ready to kill them in an instant.

"Cheshire, I see you're doing well since I last saw you." Dick said snarkily to the familiar foe.

"Yes and since then I have increased my skills as well as my poisons so better be careful facing me Nightwing."

Cheshire then pulled out her poisonous sias and lunges at Nightwing who used his pads on his arms to keep the sias from scratching him. Then all the other assassins attacked Batman, Robin, and Red Hood. The battle went on until all that was left was Cheshire who didn't even look like she broke a sweat.

"My my I see you've been doing well for yourself too all of you but while my army of assassins may be easy to take down it's going to take more than just one of you to take me down."

Jason was the first to strike shooting at least twenty bullets at her which she all dodged with ease as if she were in the matrix. However Jason pursued her nonetheless determined to get her but Jade then proceeded to taunt him.

"Well well Red Hood your aim only seems to be getting better, yet you still can't hit me." Cheshire laughed.

"Just you wait cat face I'll get you yet and I'll make sure to remove your claws when I do."

"I hope you do or else I just may use them to give your baby brother a nice scratch across the face and anywhere else I might just feel he could use some body decorations."

This comment made Red Hood snap, for how dare she threaten to hurt Damian in front of him, causing him to go madly at her using every weapon he had at his disposal.

"Red Hood stop she's just trying to toy with you!" Tim yelled as he went to go join the fight.

"Robin stop come back!" Batman yelled worried about what Tim would do to himself if he joined Jason.

"No Red Hood needs my help or he's going to end up doing something stupid."

Tim then ran towards Cheshire knocking her off her feet due to her being focused on Jason. After she was knocked down Cheshire was disoriented for a second leaving her open to Tim and Jason's brutal attacks. Cheshire then got up and yelled as she prepared to stab Tim with her poisonous sias. But almost immediately Jason stepped in and through some instant lock handcuffs that bound Jades wrists together.

"Oh you think these things will keep me restrained and from killing you well I'm afraid you're wrong!" Cheshire yelled out as she then lunged to kill Jason.

Then Tim through a steel cord that wrapped around her thus stopping Jade in her tracks. Then Tim ran around her wrapping the cord tightly to her. Jade tried to get out but Tim was just too fast running on the trees to make a perfect circle around her. Eventually Jade was wrapped very tightly from mid thigh to shoulders making her fall to her knees before the Bats.

"So you caught me, what are you going to do now take me to Arkham asylum like the rest of the freaks you deal with?" Cheshire asked sarcastically not even the least bit worried or afraid of her captures that surrounded her.

"No we're going to ask you some questions about my son and you're going to answer them honestly whether by force or choice." Batman said as a threat as he kneeled down to see Cheshire directly in the face.

He then took off her mask revealing her beautiful but bored looking face like as if she were being forced to endure a long boring business meeting.

"Why is it you bats are always so serious you have no sense of humor honestly lighten up."

"This is serious Cheshire! Now where is Damian?!" Dick yelled angrily at her.

"Alright Alright I'll tell you just chill out Nightwing." Cheshire said as if she was the one who was supposed to be annoyed.

Then there was a moment of silence and all Cheshire did was smirk, acting like a hunter with a carrot hanging over a rabbit, tantalizing them with her information.

"You will tell us what you know now or I will blow your brains out!" Jason yelled as he put a gun up to her head.

"Fine I'll tell you, he's in a secret underground bunker in the middle of the base here but I can't promise you he'll be in good condition we don't exactly treat our trainees well no matter how old they are." Cheshire said rather nonchalantly.

"Thank you for the information." Batman said plainly having to practically restrain not only himself from going at her but the boys as well.

He simply grabbed them by the collars of their suits and turned them around forcefully.

"Hey are you just going to leave me here then?" Cheshire called out to Batman.

"You've been working on that already for the last five minutes give it another hour and I'm sure you'll be free in no time." Batman said snarkily.

Cheshire then just sighed in frustration as she continued to work on her handcuffs thanks to the fact her sias were made of the same material and that she still had it in her hand when when she was cuffed.

For five minutes Batman dragged the boys until he felt it was ok to the let them go. They complained about how they could have gotten more information out of herbal Batman simply let them at her but Bruce just told them that she wasn't going to give anymore away and that they just had to going. They did as Bruce said knowing that Damian was their true objective and that the little boy need saving or who knows what could happen to him.

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