Chapter 8: Escaping

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Bruce tried to rip himself from his chains determined to get to his son by any means necessary even if he had to kill someone. Then for nearly an hour Bruce struggled to be free from the chains but each attempted only tired him out more.

"Bruce what are we going to do, I mean there has to be some way out of here?" Tim asked frantically as he struggled in his chains too.

"I don't know but all I do know is they have my son and even if I have rip a hole in the door myself!"

As Bruce struggled Dick sat thinking, while this was usually a Bruce thing he clearly wasn't in his right mind. He looked around the room trying to find someway out of the cell.

Eventually Dick did see a vent in the roof they could escape out of but now they more importantly needed a way out of their infernal chains. He couldn't use anything in his utility belt since they were confiscated during their capture. Then he remembered something he had on him that they didn't confiscate.

Dick went to to the bottom portion of the symbol on his suit, pressed hard on it, and then started to slide it down to reveal a small blue titanium blade. Immediately dick started to saw at the chains which began to be grinded and cut away.

As he did so Jason noticed it making him curious as to what Dick was doing.

"Dick what are you doing?"

"I'm grinding away at these chains."

"Wait your what... but how?"

"When I designed my suit I put an emergency blade in it in case things go south. It's made of titanium and it seems to be able to cut through the chains."

For the next fifteen minutes Dick grinded through the chains until at last they broke leaving only the cuffs on his wrists.

"It worked, Now you guys use it while I work on getting us out of here and to Dami."

For nearly an hour the guys used the blade to cut their chains until they were all at last free.

"Alright now how do we get out of here?" Jason asked determined to save his baby brother.

"There's a vent on top of the roof I need you to boost me up and I can use the blade to unscrew the bolts so we can get into the ventilation system."

"Alright hop on." Jason said as he squared down for Dick.

Dick then quickly got on Jason's shoulders and was now able to reach the vent. He worked diligently using the tip of the blade to unscrew the four bolts. Eventually Dick managed to get all the bolts out and gently set the vent covering down on the floor with Jason's help.

"Alright now what do we do now?" Jason asked

"I guess we just try to find wherever they've got Damian."

"Wait why don't we just ask Alfred?" Tim asked.

Bruce immediately tried his intercom but nothing but fuzz came through.

"The room must be jamming the signal so we'll just have to try once we pass the cell so let's go." Bruce stated.

They all climbed up into the vent and started to immediately crawl forward.

"Alfred where is the medical room here?" Bruce asked at last getting a signal.

"Let's see you will have to go down this hall down to the third entrance, make a right how down two more vents and then make a left and you'll be right above the room."

"Thanks Alfred."

"Of course sir just bring our boy home."

As they continued to go down the hallway about halfway through they saw a lab with all their utility belts luckily untouched laying flat on a table. All of them looked at each other and immediately jumped down to take them back. They of course had to fight off guards and scientists but they got them back making their job a little bit easier now. They continued down their path passing over training rooms and all manner of inventing, planning, and other rooms there could be.

"So Bruce what exactly is supposed to be the plan once we get to the room?" Tim asked curiously, confused on how they were going to accomplish their rescue at this point.

"Simple jump in, rescue Damian, take down those in our way, and then bolt out as quickly as possible." Bruce said very seriously.

"Ok." Tim said shocked by the very simple plan.

"Hey Dick how much longer till the charges go off?" Jason asked suddenly remembering them.

"About an hour and ten minutes so we have to be quick or no one's leaving alive here."

"We're almost there." Bruce announced.

For five more minutes they crawled forward until they got to a vent that looked directly over the medical room. At the moment a meeting was happening with the doctors and surgeons.

"Now we are going to put enhancers in his legs, arms, core, and brain for advanced activity and strength. We will then place a remote controlled defibrillator by his heart for both a way to bring him back to life and kill him should he defect later..."

As the doctor said all this Bruce was boiling over with fatherly rage. How dare they even consider hurting or harming his son with surgeries to make him a killing machine, not on his watch.

"Alright bring out the patient!" The head surgeon called out.

Several surgeons then came in wheeling in a crying Damian who called out and begged for his papa.

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Papaaaaaaa!" Damian sobbed hysterically, wanting nothing more than his father to come and rescue him.

Bruce was now feeling his inner beast come out summoned by the mix of his son's cries and doctors plans, but then cane the real cherry on top.

"Alright get the anesthesia ready for him."

The team then held the baby down as the doctor prepared to put the IV in him.

"Nnnnnoooooooooo!" Bruce roared out angrily.

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