Chapter 6: Search and Fight

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After about eight minutes the Bats were right at the beginning of the base using the jungle as a hiding place. Batman then quickly had the boys huddle together with him so he could reiterate the plan.

"Alfred pull up a blueprint of the base."

"Just a moment sir."

Within seconds the butler pulled up a print he found by connecting to a nearby satellite.

"Thank you Alfred."

"Of course sir."

Batman then quickly scanned the blueprint looking for the places and paths for them to enter and look for Damian. After a few minutes Bruce came up with a plan but it was not going to be simple or easy by any means. Bruce first expanded the print and then positioned the hologram of the base so all the boys could see.

"Alright here's the plan Robin and I will enter through here and will search for the secret bunker Cheshire talked about and rescue Damian.

"How do we know Cheshire's speaking the truth she could easily be lying?" Jason asked suspiciously.

"Believe me I would have been able to tell and there would have been nothing for her to gain from my death so she would probably not even consider it as a possibility. Now Nightwing and Red Hood you too will bust in through here and do your best to distract and take down the obstacles, but don't forget to set the charges to or else we put ourselves in major risk are we understood."

"Yes!" All three said at the time.

"Now if you have any trouble or need to know something make sure you communicate with Alfred don't try and guess. And don't any of you forget our deal Damian's the goal and if it comes to me having to be left behind you do it without question."

All the boys nodded their heads but all knew they would not leave their practically Dad behind. Whom they noticed was being very weird acting as if this was their first mission again. In truth Bruce was more worried than usual not wanting to fail and lose yet another one of his sons.

Batman then signaled for them all to now move forward and split up into their teams Tim with Bruce and Jason with Dick.

Dick and Jason first rushed to the entrance guns a blazing in this case literally since Jason was shooting at the guards. All the guards came at them but soon came to realize that the two were not going to be so easy to take down.

"Alright bastards you touched my brother you're about to pay. And you better pray he isn't hurt or you won't see tomorrow!" Jason yelled angrily as he pounded upon the guards.

"Hey Jason leave some of them for me I need to get some revenge for Damian to."

As the two continued with their fight Batman and Tim snuck in from a window. They avoided the fight and started to search for Batman's beloved little boy. Batman followed the blueprint trying to find the area it was in and some kind of switch or trigger to open the entrance.

"Batman do you know exactly where this secret bunker could be?"

"I don't all that I know is that my son is somewhere and he needs me so keep looking!" Batman said full of distress and worry over his son's well being, safety, and if he was being taken care of properly.

While Batman and Robin both continued their search for Damian more attention was brought to Nightwing and Red Hood. The two continuously fought on making the soldiers and assassins follow them around as the led they great mob through the base. All wanted a piece of the two intruders unwilling to let their reputation of no surviving breakins be broken by two teenagers.

"Come on I'm sure you guys can do better than this, you've only gotten me scraped and bruised. I was truly expecting some poison, mutilation, and more intense fighting." Red Hood taunted the crowd of professional killers.

This comment only made them angrier making them start to attack harder. Meanwhile while fighting them off as well Nightwing, with Alfred's direction, set the charges that once all setup would give the Bats four hours to rescue Damian and get out.

For at least thirty minutes the fight continued starting to tire out Red Hood and Nightwing. But they knew they couldn't stop knowing they had to keep everyone distracted and all the charges set.

Eventually after another ten minutes the two had all the charges set now counting down till blow time.

"Jason I got them all set now let's go help Batman and Robin!"

"Alright!" Jason yelled in response now just set on running to his baby brother.

Unfortunately very quickly he ran into a figure known as Ra Al Ghul.

"Well hello Red Hood I see the bat has brought his little sidekicks with him to take my grandson." Ra said trying to agitate Jason.

"I'm no sidekick and you release Damian!" Jason yelled as he started to shoot at Ra.

Unfortunately Talia quickly came in and used her expert sword skills and reflexes to deflect the billets from hitting her father.

"I'm afraid you have both of us to worry about Red Hood." Talia said with a taunting smile.

"Nightwing why don't we show these two what messing with the Bats results in."

"It would be my pleasure."

The two then charged at the Al Ghuls locking into what would prove to be a grueling battle.

Meanwhile Batman frustratedly looked for the secret bunker eventually asking for Alfred's help to see if he could possibly help him find it.

"Let's see sir, there appears to be some architectural anomalies in the room down the hall and to your right so may I suggest you look there."

"Thanks Alfred."

"Of course sir." Alfred said graciously.

Batman and Robin then ran to the room Alfred talked about but they only saw an empty room. They then looked around until Robin found a mysterious lever behind a large column.

"Hey Batman I think I found something!" Tim yelled as he pulled the lever that then immediately opened a hole in the floor revealing a cascading staircase.

"Nice job Robin now let's see if he's down here." Batman thanked hoping with all his seemingly tough exterior that his son was down those stairs.

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