Chapter 9: Face Off

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"Alright get the anesthesia ready for him." The doctor said as he sterilized the needle he was about to use.

The team of doctors then held down the squirming baby making it so the doctor could get a clean prick. The doctor then brought the IV forward and started to aim it for Damian's arm but then he heard a great angry roar.

The next thing the doctors knew they were on the floor almost all of them completely knocked out. Damian was terrified curling up in a ball and closing his eyes refusing to see what was there. Then he suddenly was picked up and drawn into a warm and loving embrace. He then opened his eyes and was filled with relief and joy to see his father before him.

"Papa come!" Damian cried out happily as he tightly hugged his father's neck.

"I'm here buddy I'm here and I'm not going anywhere this time." Bruce said as he cradled his son.

However even in the warmth of Bruce's arms Damian still shivered since he was only wearing the baby sized hospital gown and a diaper. Bruce almost immediately felt this and then wrapped Damian in his Kevlar cape. Damian then stopped shivering feeling the warmth from the cape and Bruce.

"Alright now let's get out of here before the charges blow it apart." Dick called out as he started to run out the medical room door.

The team ran as fast as they could out of the building all the while Bruce keeping a death grip on Damian. On the way they dodged even more traps and soldiers who were all quickly taken down due to the Bats determination.

They all eventually got to the exit now out in the dangerous jungle. They ran through it this time rather easily for about two miles until they got to an open field.

"I see you're trying to fly away with my grandson Batman." Ra Ghul said as he appeared from behind a tree lining the open field.

"I'm taking back what's mine Ra and this time you're not stopping me."

"Maybe not alone but perhaps with the help of my Daughter and Cheshire I just might."

Suddenly Talia and Cheshire pop out of the trees taking on the boys leaving Batman to face Ra alone.

"So how do plan to face me Batman with your child in your arms?" Ra chuckled snarkily.

Batman then wrapped his caped around him in a special was making a sling in the back to put Damian in.

"Ah how resourceful you are Batman but unfortunately that means you better watch your back very carefully."

Ra then lunged at Batman sword drawn out and ready to kill. Then he pulled another sword out tossing it over to Batman.

"Ah where are my manners you know I'm a man of honor so I would never attack an unarmed man unless I disarmed them myself. Especially you Batman the foe I respect above all others."

"You have alway been one to honor basic morals in battle." Batman stayed as he picked up the sword.

However once he did so Damian whined a bit realizing what the sword meant, his father was going to fight the scary people.

"Hey now shhhhh it's ok papa will be fine I've got this." Bruce said comfortingly to his son.

"You should really pay attention Batman you never know when your enemy may strike!" Ra said as he then lunged for Bruce again.

Bruce quickly used his sword to stop Ghuls attack and then started to parry and use his sword skills to attack Ra. The two went at it attacking relentlessly at one another, but the entire time Bruce had to keep careful watch of his back. The entire time Ra aimed to get Damian making him cry out of fear. This only made Bruce more mad making him fight all the more ferociously.

Meanwhile the boys fought off Talia and Cheshire with all their might. The two assassins were clearly very skilled and were not going to be easy to take down.

"Do you three really think you can take us two down especially with our combined skills?" Talia asked as she attacked Jason.

"The simple fact is there are three of us and two of you so you're outnumbered!" Jason yelled as he through Talia off of him.

"Numbers mean nothing if your opponent is trained to kill you." Cheshire states as she fought with Tim and Dick.

"You may be trained to kill us but we have our own skill to take you down to. Not to mention we have no intention of you people raising Damian to be a monster!" Tim yelled angrily as he attacked Cheshire.

As everyone attacked their enemies all the Bats forget about the charges they set. They were all in the middle of their battles and Batman knew that they couldn't keep it up forever. He had to find some way to get his son's off the island even if it meant leaving himself behind. He then remembered how he added a retrieval feature in the plane that was flying around and how he could get all the boys out of here.

First Bruce used all his strength to back Ra into a tree and then used his sword to pin him to it. As Ra struggled to get free Bruce then ran over to where the boys were fighting and threw two pellets at Cheshire and Talia. Immediately as the pellets hit them they foamed over them immersing them in a white foam that hardened temporarily keeping them stuck in place.

"Bruce what are you doing we had them covered!" Dick yelled angrily

"Doing what I need to do, take Damian."

Immediately Bruce took Damian out of the cap sling and put him in Dicks arms. Damian quickly started to whine and reach for his papa.

"I'm sorry Damian just know I love you." Bruce said softly as he kissed his son's precious little head.

He then proceeded to quickly put black straps on all the boys waists.

"Bruce what is this?"

"Hold on and make sure my son know I love him."

Bruce then pressed a button on his belt and suddenly they could hear a plane passing by. Then three cords came down instantly attaching themselves to the clips on the boys straps pulling them into the air.

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