Chapter 4: Mission Rescue

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Damian sobbed in his crib feeling the stinging pain of the bruises he had just received. He wanted his father ever so desperately but he wasn't there no matter how much he called out to him. For several hours Damian sat cold and alone until the door opened to reveal his grandpa smirking wickedly. He walked over to the crib and looked down at his sad grandson.

"You my child are very lucky for you're about to be enhanced unlike any of your age. I plan to make you the ultimate killer and it's become clear that I can't naturally do that to you so I must look into the world of science to do so."

Damian whined afraid of what the scary man was going to do to him. He was also shaking not wanting to be hurt and yelled at again.

"My my you're shaking but I'm afraid there simply is no stopping what I'm going to do to you. If you're going to be useful to us then I'm going to have to remake you and if that doesn't work then I'm afraid we're going to have to kill you."

Damian then started to cry his eyes out not wanting any of this and feeling so overwhelmed by this suffering change in his life.

"Your operation will commence in the morning little one so get your sleep you're going to need it." Ra chuckled wickedly as he left the room and shut the door once more.

Damian was unbelievably miserable he was tired, hungry, in pain, wet, and all he wanted was his brothers or his papa to come and rescue him. For a straight hour he called out his papa and brothers names until he was so exhausted for his crying and training that day he simply collapsed to tired to carry on. However in good news unbeknownst to poor little Damian his family was coming to get him.

Three hours later

The bats had made about three quarters of their journey and were about to be in Singapore soon, but all of them were not well rested all of them only thinking about Damian.

The usually tough Jason was barely able to keep himself together. He sat looking out the window fantasies of horrific things being done to him. He wanted to take Damian into his arms and never let go of him.

Dick who was usually sweet and friendly was thinking about all the ways he failed to protect his baby brother. He kept having angry thoughts about all he wanted to do to the League of Shadows to make them pay for their kidnapping if Damian.

Tim was however just frozen unable to conceive how this all happened. He just wished he could have his family unharmed, together, and happy. He also wondered why all these things kept happening to Damian a most of the time sweet and innocent baby, what was it the world had again him to make all this stuff happen to him.

Bruce though was the most distraught feeling like a failure of a father. He couldn't believe his son was just taken from him and he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. The entire flight he held Damian's blanket and teddy bear needing something to remind him of his son. He truly loved and needed Damian for he was the greatest joy of his life. He helped to give him something he didn't have or recognized he had for a long time, family.

It was then the plane's intercom turned on and Alfred spoke through it.

"You are officially an hour away from your destination prepare for drop off."

Everyone then snapped out of their funks realizing that they had to stop moping and take some action, it was time to get their baby back. Everyone suited up and got their gear together then congregated at a table where Bruce brought up a hologram of the league's secret island fortress.

"Alright the league's Island is about thirty miles long and thirty miles wide and their base is about one hundred thousand feet making about a ten mile difference between the beach and base. Now these ten miles are filled with traps, soldiers, and all manner of dangers so be careful." Bruce explained.

"Ok so where do we come in then what's the plan?" Dick asked impatiently.

"As I was about to explain first we are going to release a pulse bomb that will shut off all the traps and cameras within a five mile radius. Then we are going to be dropped off on the north side of the island where the bomb was dropped. Though all the security is gone for five miles we still have a whole other five miles of highly dangerous territory to cover. Once we get past all that we will split off into two teams. Robin and I will search the base for Damian and try to track down Ra and Talia while we're at it. Meanwhile Nightwing and Red Hood you two are going to be taking down the inside forces and setting the charges on in all the places that Alfred tells you to place them. After we retrieve Damian then we will have the jet fly over us and get us out before the charges go off. These charges will set off a signal that will disable all the electrically run machines and weaponry and then cause minor explosions to the base to put the important areas out of commission."

"Alright well let's say that something goes wrong and it goes to hell what do you want us to do." Tim asked a bit concerned.

"Look no matter what I want you guys to get Damian out of there. And I mean all of you which means if by some crazy chance you have a chance to get out but I need to be left behind I need you to do so."

"What!" All three cried out at the same time.

"You're telling me you would leave your son with us! How do you think Damian would feel about this he needs you just like you need him and we still need you! Plus do you really think we could take care of him like he needs to be, he would be absolutely wreaked by us!" Jason yelled angrily.

"Look I'm not saying it's going to happen but Damian's safety means the most to me so you need to be prepared for that situation, are we understood!" Bruce said very seriously.

"Yes." All three said very begrudgingly.

"Good now get prepared to jump we're about thirty minutes from the drop off point."

As Bruce walked away all three of the boys got into their space knowing the most important thing was Damian but they did make a plan of their own.

"Alright we have to make sure Bruce doesn't go all hero on us here. If he tries to take down Ra by himself we have to promise to help him because it's all of us or none of us, agreed." Dick said to the other boys who nodded their heads in agreement.

"Approaching in fifteen minutes Master Bruce setting in coordinates now." Alfred announced over the intercom.

Everyone felt their wrists beep as their bat watches went off. Everyone looked at them scanning their coordinates and seeing their goal. A few minutes later they were almost directly over the island and everyone got to the door to eject out of. Then Batman came over with three tiny ear pieces and presented them to the boys.

"These are your communicators both with me and Alfred keep them on at all times and remember the main objective here is getting Damian out safely so don't go taking any major risks. Now get ready to jump."

They all looked out to the island prepared to set forth on their task their very dangerous task.

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