(48) Hurricane

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"Any word from the Clave?" Izzy asks, her heels clattering loudly against the marble of the institute floor, her fast movements increasing as she marches after Lydia, Magnus and I following suit behind her

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"Any word from the Clave?" Izzy asks, her heels clattering loudly against the marble of the institute floor, her fast movements increasing as she marches after Lydia, Magnus and I following suit behind her.

"Not yet and we've been trying for the past four hours." Lydia sighs, her green eyes narrowing as she comes to a stop in front of the map, "Something's up."

"Hmm, the Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked? Show of hands?" Magnus mutters sarcastically, his dark eyes flittering between us making an uneasy Lydia sigh, though not bothering too object, knowing he was right.

"I've been here 5 minutes and even I can see that The Clave reign number one for sitting on their asses and doing nothing" I spit, my hands coming up to push back the loose strands unravelling from my braid, one that was done hours ago in a split second of anarchy.

Jace was still nowhere to be found, Valentine has him and the Cup and we're all running around headless, with no idea what to do next.

"I'm worried" Alec growls as he rushes in front of the table, sweat collecting over his brow and his hands fidgeting restlessly at his side, "I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond."

"We'll find him, Alec" I mutter, smiling slightly to reassure him, though when his eyes meet mine, he quickly looks away, not allowing himself any comfort or peace. I can practically see the machine racing away in his mind as he worries.

"When we arrested Hodge, he said Valentine was on a ship." Izzy states, looking to Lydia, "They must still be over water."

"Pull up the waterways around New York." Lydia states, her eyes tightening down over the now 3D map, watching as Izzy manoeuvres around the architecture, showing all possible water ways and routes that Valentine could be on.

My eyes flitter over to Magnus, and Alec's gaze followers suit, we watch as he lifts a shirt of Jace's his magic pulsing around it, trying to catch a lead on where he is, though by the deep set frown on Magnus's face, I can tell he's having no luck.

"Anything?" Alec asks, his voice hoarse.

"Sorry" Magnus mutters, shaking his head as he drops the fabric lower.

"There's got to be something!" Alec demands, his voice sharp and echoing, making me flinch back slightly in surprise and even Magnus looks shocked.

"I don't see him." He shrugs, a sincere frown etched over his lips. Alec groans, his fists clenching before he pushes back off the table, moving over to the doorway, directing his anger and attention to the crowds of Shadowhunter's.

"All right, listen up!" He demands, instantly silencing the room, " I want 24/7 monitoring of the Hudson and the East Rivers. If you see anything unusual, you come to me first."

"Alec" Lydia calls, her expression set, "I've got this"

"Then why haven't you found Jace yet?" He hisses out, exasperation and unease rolling off him. I look to Izzy with wide eyes, pleading for her to intercept before Alec gets himself in trouble and she nods back, agreeing with my sentiment.

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