(3) Hello hot eyes

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We walk effortlessly into the club, our fake ID's not fazing the security guards at the entrance, making it more than simple for us to come in without detection

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We walk effortlessly into the club, our fake ID's not fazing the security guards at the entrance, making it more than simple for us to come in without detection. Clary and I stride ahead of the group, both our eyes scouring the area, hoping to land on a certain blonde-haired boy that we desperately needed to question.

"I'm going to go fail at getting us some birthday drinks." Simon announced loudly over the gaudy music. "I'm going to go fail with you. "Maureen stated as they both then looked over in our direction. However, my eyes fell on the mystery boy from before as I nudged Clary, poignantly pointing over to where he was as she smiled victoriously to me.

"Do you want some... Clary, Cam!?" We heard Simon yell but we were already marching in the direction of the guy, the determination and resilience so strong in our stance we found the crowd parting it's way for us. As we found ourselves nearing the blondie, he was joined by another tall guy with dark hair and a shorter girl, in a platinum wig, though their faces were hard to decipher in the darkness.

Just as I went to yell out to him, all three moved into the VIP section of the club and unfortunately for us the curtain closed behind them.

"Fuck!" I whisper-yelled under my breath as Clary heaved an aggravated sigh before my gaze lifted, my eyes now darting around before finding the perfect solution.

I immediately grab Clarys arm and practically push her to the side of a very tall, muscular man before I link my arm with his, my eyes seductively gazing up at him "Wow, you clearly work out" I gush fakely, causing him to smirk cockily before Clary also links an arm with him "Your contacts are so cool!" She squeals dumbly as the muscular guy leads us through the curtain and into the VIP area, where our guy is.

The moment we step in, we both immediately let go of the guy, allowing our eyes to search through the lounge and take in our surrounding. My sapphire blue eyes first fall on the girl with the platinum blonde wig that we saw earlier. She was currently seductively dancing on the platform as a couple of men, all with blue contacts, surrounded her watching eagerly making me smirk.

Cast that spell sister.

I turned around before walking over to Clary who had luckily found our mystery guy, blondie was face to face with a tall brunette, their faces inches apart, as an almost conniving smirk overtook his face.

I grimace "Of course he's a total fuckboy, what else is new" I mutter irritated, before walking forwards to interrupt their conversation and ask the questions I had come here to ask. However, just as I made a step forwards, blondie pulled out a very long, large sword and before I know it I hear Clary scream "Watch out" and push the brunette out of the way.

Blondie looks surprised for a second as the girl goes stumbling forwards and falls onto the sofa but when seconds later she turns her head around, I practically feel my heart jump out of my chest.

"What the fuck!?"

I gasp loudly stumbling backwards as the brunette jumps up, tentacles protruding out of her mouth as monstrous roars escape her. The thing rushes for Clary, who was stood in place utterly shocked, but luckily blondie hurriedly pushes her out of the way before stabbing the monster in the stomach, halting its movement. Instantly, the hideous creature bursts into thin air, it's body burning like a piece of paper.

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