(8) Time for Boys

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 "Simon, I think Jace can help us

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"Simon, I think Jace can help us." Clary said determinedly as she quickly steps forwards and grabs a muddled Simon by the arm, ushering him to follow her. "Come on." I whispered encouragingly, knowing that everything we were doing seemed shady as hell and that to anyone who didn't know the truth we seemed high as hell.

Though I still question how sober these people are.

"How do we know this Mick Jagger-looking guy is even going to- "Simon uttered as he trailed behind Jace, who seemed to be losing his patience rather quickly. "Mundane, we do not have the time." Jace scowled lowly at Simon making me sneer, "Hey, back off! He doesn't even know what's going on, he has a right to be confused" I defend making Jace sigh before continuing up the stairs and opening the institute doors.

"Come on, Simon."

As we entered the institute it appeared broken down and ruined, as if a huge fire had obliterated the entirety of the inside. Simon immediately turns to Clary and I, his face an expression of perplexion, probably questioning what we were planning to do in this run-down building.

Jace quickly realises Simon's dilemma before swiftly pulling put his stele and branding a rune into his arm. As his flesh sears and burns, Jace slightly flinches at the pain causing a jumbled and slightly disgusted Simon to stare uncomfortably. "I know. Trust me." I mumble to him as reassurance that I knew how crazy this all seemed and in reply received a curt nod and a slight head tilt. "He's, like, burning himself." He whispered nervously.

Once Jace had completed his rune, he quickly put his stele back into his pocket before abruptly grabbing Simons right hand, enveloping their hands together. "Buddy, what's going on, man? I'm not your type, man." Simon exclaimed, attempting to rip his hand from Jace's iron grip, though to no avail.

Suddenly, as moments pass the walls and floors begin to morph into the real instituite and changes back into what we had originally left it at. Nervously I glance at Simon, awaiting his reaction at the building that just transformed itself, like bloody Narnia. "I don't even...-Where are we? What the hell? "He stuttered incoherently, obviously confused, and rightly so, since it's not everyday a church goes through building puberty and renovates into a prestige institute.

"Cam, is there a war going on that I don't know about?" Simon questioned fretfully.

"There is now." Jace mysteriously replied as we moved through the hallway, Simon attentively walking with us. "I think my mother's at the centre of it." I explained lowly, before marching forwards to meet Jace at the screen.

"There's a lot of gear in here." Simon whispered, glancing around curiously as Jace, Clary and I looked apprehensively at the monitor of the NYPD checking the perimeter. "So, this cold-blooded killer is going to help us?" Simon questioned doubtfully making me smirk, nudging his shoulder jokingly.

He was so jealous.

"He's not a killer" Clary defended, almost too quickly, "He's protecting us." I added, knowing that everything Jace had done was for us, and for that I wanted him to know that I was grateful for his help. "Specifically, you." Jace added making me grin, remembering his quote from before.

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