The creatures

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I closed my eyes, my heart was pulsing faster than ever. There was no hope for me.

All I could hear over the loud echo in my head was faint scratches.

---- 3 days earlier ----

It all began around 3 weeks ago. A family was found, dumped by the lake in the woods at the edge of town, ripped to shreds. The small town was filled with gossip but no one could figure out what caused the murders, there were rumours of an animal attack. However, the damage done was impossible for any animal.

Ever since that night, there have been similar occurrences all around America, they appear to be becoming more often and much more brutal. Sometimes at night, I can hear weak voices crying for help, knowing no one will dare leave their house to save them.

No one is safe.

I can't tell you much about them, we're not allowed to speak of them. Acknowledging them gives them them their power. Apart from their obvious choice of diet, they supposedly feed on fear

But even if I could help I wouldn't be able to. I've only seen one of them once from far away, looking out in the middle of the night, there it was. Large, wolf-like build, yet no fur. It saw it when one entered my neighbours house, tearing their front door down, intruding their home. That night, I could hear the screams through the walls. I could never forgive myself for her death. She was an innocent old lady; whenever my Mum had to be readmitted to hospital, she would always help me. The amount of times that she would allow me to sleep at her house, while my Mum was ill and my Dad was probably out getting drunk. And I couldn't even call for help when she was suffering.

The guilt is slowly eating me. I remember hearing gnarls from outside my window, and looking out into darkness. I faintly saw the creature, it's eyes glared at me for a split second before it entered her house.

It looked like nothing that I've ever seen before.

I can feel the hairs on my arms stand up just by thinking of the creatures; that is what everyone calls them. The creatures.

I carefully stand up from my bed and look outside. I notice many children outside, nobody really cares about the creatures. There's only been a couple of sightings and incidents near by. Nobody is worried. Although I think they are wrong to do so, the atmosphere does not feel right. I can sense them coming.

---- 2 1/2 weeks earlier -----

There have been an increasing amount of sightings in the past days. However many people still believe that it is just an animal.

Barely anyone is worried.

My Dad has stopped coming home, I don't know or care about what happened. It's not as if he ever cared about Mum while she was lying in hospital. He would just go and get drunk. Over the years I became independent after learning to care for myself and my Mum. He could have been ripped apart into shreds for all I care.

I'm going to go back to sleep, I don't even care if it's summer.

---1 week earlier ---

The creatures have begun to come out even more often recently. My theory is that they're living in the woods. There have been over 20 incidents near by, and most people have begun to panic.

The weather has also began to change; the sun begins to set much earlier than usual, it begins to get dark at 6pm in the middle of august. It is also much colder, and there's always an uncomfortable breeze lingering in the air.

All the animals have also started to act strangely. Many have disappeared and a lot of them have stopped eating.

Everybody has their own theory about what's happening, many say that the creatures are just aliens or some extra terrestrial beings. However I believe there must be some reasonable explanation. I hope there is anyway.

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