The creatures- chapter 3

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As I woke up a yawn escaped my lips, I quickly managed to cover my mouth.

I looked up however there was not much that could be seen. My guess was that it was morning, as from under the door a bit of vague light was slipping into the closet.

Suddenly I realised that it was rather cold in the closet. Oh yes. The front door was kicked in yesterday, how wonderful.

Now I have to decide whether I should stay here and cry about my losses, or whether I should make them regret ever being born. Sure, maybe yesterday I did hide from them, but it's not as if I'm weak; I know quite a few martial arts back from when my Dad would take his anger out on me when he was drunk, my Mum signed me up for some classes after school and at the weekends.

I would never forgive myself if I did nothing to save my Mum or if she was murdered by those hideous monsters.

I looked around and noticed what they have driven me to do. They are holding me hostage in my own house!

I pick up the knife and stuff it into the pocket of my jumper, I then pick up the back pack. After unlocking the door, I looked around for any signs of life. I ran into my room to grab a warm jacket.

I then walked into my parents room, knelt down next to my Dad's side of the bed. I then reached under the bed and carefully removed the gun which was taped underneath. I then found the spare bullets and stashed them in my jumper.

I ran downstairs, and after putting on my comfortable trainers, I held the gun in my hand, took a deep breath and stepped out onto the streets.

It was strangely silent and eerie. It was terribly cold and I could see my every breath escape my lips.

I looked down onto the icy ground, the creatures must have had something to do with weather like this in august. There is something different about them, however I can't quite put my finger on it.

Before I can walk any further?, I hear footsteps from behind me.

I instantly look down at my hand, to ensure that the gun is still there. I turn on my heels and notice a man standing there. Also holding a gun, but much larger than mine.

I can barely breath, I decide to be the first one to speak.

"Urm, hello?"

"What are you doing out? It's not safe."

I breath out a sigh of relief, realising that he clearly is not planning to kill me.

"I'm looking for them."

"Who? The creatures?"


"And why in hell would a girl like you be looking for them?"


I faintly see his lips curve into a slight smile, but his face turns stone cold almost immediately.

"Then come with me."

At first I'm a bit unsure, but I decide that I better follow his orders. I begin walking.


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