The creatures-chapter 11

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I stared straight into its glaring eyes. The gentle breeze flowed through my hair and my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest.

My breathing was definitely not steady. The evil animal looked ready to attack. Suddenly, the creature pounced straight in my direction. My life flashed before my eyes and I shut my eyes tight and held my breath, ready to be attacked.


I woke up sweaty and shaking.

"Another dream?" Someone asked, it must have been Ella but I wasn't too sure.

"Yeah" I mumbled under my breath.

Jay and I reached the camp last week.

I explained to everyone how I couldn't control what I was doing, yet no one seemed to believe me. Ever since then I've been having nightmares about the creatures Almost every night. The first night was the worst, no one could wake me up for ages. They later told me that I had been crying in my sleep and begging the creature to kill me.

Ever since that night I had received a couple of glares from Jade who's 15 and I never really got to know her. Today was no different.

I went to talk to Ella to ask her whether it was her who woke me up during my nightmare tonight. I didn't get far enough as in the corner of my eye I saw Jade glare at me.

I turned around to face her. Who did she think she is? She joined whilst I was away and she thinks that she has a right to judge me. I stormed up to her, I had enough.

"Can you please explain to me what your problem is?"

Jade simply stared at me. Moments passed and yet she still didn't reply. I began to turn to walk away when her voice interrupted me.

"My problem is that you're acting like a big victim. From what I heard, first you abandoned your team during a time when they needed help, and now you come back and act like something made you do it. You're just a little attention seeker."

I could feel tears begin to spill from my eyes. My vision had gone blurry and so I did the only thing I could. I ran straight ahead. I kept running until I fell into something hard and into the muddy ground.

"Oh shoot!"

I felt someone grab my wrists and pull me up. I then used my sleeve to dry my eyes and I noticed Jay staring at me, looking worried.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now." I replied.

"Then come with me."

After a long, nicely silent walk into the woods, Jay told me to close my eyes. He then led me by my hand for another few steps until he told me that it's okay for me to open my eyes again.

It took a while for my eyes to adjust. But once they did, I saw the most beautiful thing that I've seen in a long time: amongst the fog and dead trees stood a large, tall and gorgeous tree. I'm not sure what they're called, but it was breath-taking.

The leaves turned a slightly red colour at the tips. Even after all the other trees had died, this one stood still stood proudly. It was such an odd sight to see ever since te creatures took over our world. All the trees died within days.

My mouth was still open wide in awe.

"Wow" I whispered

"It's beautiful, right?"

Ever since that day, me and Jay have become close friends. My first impression of him was completely wrong. I feel so stupid that I judged him so quickly.

Ever since we became friends, my nightmares have become less frequent.



IT's another chapter within 2 or 3 days! Woo!

Don't worry about the story becoming too romantic or anything, I just wanted to write about something nice in this chapter. If anyone is wondering whether the future chapters will focus on Jay and Julia, Then no. There will definitely be more of Jay however this story was never planned to be too long. And also I am not going to develop any relationship between them (at least not yet)

Thank you for all your support! The story now has over 2000 reads and 100 votes! Please do keep voting and sharing this story if you enjoy it! Also if there are any mistakes then please point them out to me as I write the chapters on my phone so there are likely to be many mistakes.

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