The Creatures- chapter 5

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I woke up not long later. As I looked up I vaguely realised that there were two creature corpses laying on the ground.

As my vision began returning, I could now clearly make out what was happening in front of me.

The last creature standing was slightly larger than the rest; the rest of my group were trying to murder it together, although It seemed as though they could not manage to.

Carefully, using my hands, I slowly got up. At first my vision went blury, my head was pounding and I felt as though I was about to faint yet again.

I carefully held myself up using a tree which was located beside me. The dizziness was slowly fading, and I could yet again make out the fight happening in front of me. Now it seemed as though the creature had the advantage. Without a second thought, I ran up to the middle of the fight to try and distract the creature.

Only now did I realise just how large they were. The creature which was standing only 2 or 3 metres away from me was quite a bit taller than I. I took a step back to hopefully preserve my life. I removed my gun and fired; the bullet hit the creatures front paw but it barely seemed affected by it.

By now the creature looked furious.

It lunged forward right at me.

It was too late.

Suddenly I heard a gun being shof a couple of times before the creature fell to the ground mid jump.

It wasn't dead but it was definitely quite wounded.

I removed the knife from my pocket, carefully walked up to the creature, And sat down.

I then held it's head up and swiftly sliced his large neck; ending his existence.


A while later we were still all pretty shaken up about the events. Eventually we reached the area where we were told to camp for the night. The closer we got the better I could see the place. It was a small hill, it barely qualified as one.

We laid out our sleeping bags on the top of the hill, if I'm honest, I was quite worried that they could reach us during the night. I kept my thoughts to myself as I didn't want to worry the others, although by their faces it was clear that they had the same thoughts. But none of us said what we were thinking aloud.

We huddled our sleeping bags as close together as we could and we lay down.

The cold was unbelievable! We all shivered throughout the night. By around 4 I still could not sleep, my thoughts and worries made me unable to rest.

Throughout the night I could have sworn that I heard faint foot steps and branches snapping near by! This also kept me awake; by morning I might as well not have slept at all, that was how bad I felt.

After eating some cold, disgusting canned food we set off again.


I know this chapter was incredibly short but I was not planning on updating at all today so I was kind of making this up as I went along.

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