The creatures- chapter 6

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The walk was terrible.

It began to pour down at around noon and we still had a bit of a journey left.

We killed one of the creatures who lay on the ground injured. Someone else must have attacked him earlier and left him to die.

As it began getting dark we finally reached the stream. I think that the closer we got towards the stream, the more we noticed the temperature which was dropping incredibly quickly.

I bet I could guess who the, or should i say what, the temperature drop involved.

By the time that we took a short break by the stream, our teeth were chattering and we were shaking uncontrollably.

I looked down at my hands which were lacking gloves and realised that they were a deep blue from the cold. I decided to be the one to break the peacefull silence.

"We reched the stream. Do you know what it means? There will now be much more creatures. We could all die."

Nobody replied. We sat in silence looking down at the frost-covered mud and leaves.

When we finally crossed the stream, my worst nightmares came true.

I heard a branch snap near us.


I have a question for all of you, would you prefer if I updated every 2-4 days but they would be shorter chapters, maybe about 2 or 3 times longer than this one. Or would you prefer if I updated once every 1-2 weeks with chapters around 2-3 pages long?

Also comment or message me any celebrities that you think would suit some of the characters.

And sorry that this chapter is short, but I begin school tomorrow so I don't really have much time for writing :(

The creaturesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz