Chapter 23: The Surprise

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~~~Mettaton's POV~~~

I adjusted the dress on the mannequin along with the accessories and checked the boxes of shoes I packed to find a lovely pair of shoes to go with (Y/N)'s outfit. I eventually found a pair of black/white/silver kitten heels and set them by the dress. I was a fashion genius! I was sure she'd be impressed! I made some final adjustments to the set up and grabbed one of the guitars from the boxes of instruments. I would need it when I play the song I wrote for her.

Burgerpants had gone to check if they were here while I polished my dress shoes. It was almost 3:30. We only had a few hours until the dance. I soon heard voices outside. They had finally arrived. "Wait out here for a minute." Burgerpants told them "I have to make sure he's ready." He entered the room and signaled for me to get ready. I set my dress shoes near the mannequin with my suit and hid the guitar. I checked my hair and makeup before hiding behind the curtains in front of the dress. I gave Burgerpants a thumbs up and waited.

~~~Your POV~~~

While we waited for Burgerpants to let us into the costume room, I wondered what the new dress would look like. Would it still be my favorite color? Was the skirt shorter? I wasn't sure. These questions made me even more excited. The orange cat soon came back out and let us enter.

As we walked in, we noticed that most everything had been packed into boxes. There was still a mirror near the back wall with a chair in front of it. A table sat next to them with makeup, brushes, and a box of curling irons, flat irons, and blow dryers. I noticed the curtains were closed near the other side of the room. I walked over to them and wondered what was behind them. I looked back towards Ma and Burgerpants. They gestured for me to open them and see what was there. As I opened the curtains I saw saw a different dress on the mannequin. It was even better than the last one. I was impressed with Mettaton's skill this time along with his taste. I noticed the differences in this design and couldn't believe I could actually see myself wearing it. It was the first time I could ever see myself wearing a dress or something fancy.

"This is amazing!" I said as I admired the ruffled skirt "Mettaton, I wasn't expecting something this extravagant. You just blew my mind with this!" I checked the back of the dress to make sure it wasn't open like I did yesterday and found that it wasn't. "I'm glad you think so, darling." Mettaton said, although I had know clue where he was. I looked around the room and couldn't find him. Was I hearing things? Ma only shrugged when I looked at her. "Now, are you ready for your makeover?" I heard him ask. I turned to see him posing in the doorway of a closet. He wore a fancy suit that matched the dress. Holy Jesus, he looked hot! I mean, he looked good in one on camera, but he looked even better up close. Yeah, I don't think we'll be the center of attention at all.

My face probably looked like a tomato but, I nodded. I took the dress of the mannequin and went to one of the dressing rooms to change. Once I had gotten into my dress (after struggling to reach the zipper in the back), I went back to the costume room. Mettaton had pulled out some of the curling irons and flat irons and set them on the table near the chair. I sat down and let Mettaton do my hair and makeup. I watched as he applied a light shade of (Y/F/C) eyeshadow and black/red/magenta/pink lip liner and lipstick. It was a color coordinated look and very fancy, which isn't what I normally wear.

After Mettaton finished with my makeup, he held up a curling iron and a flat iron. "How would you want your hair styled, dear?" he asked me "Curly or straight? I could also crimp it if you want." I mentally cringed picturing myself with crimped hair in this outfit. I didn't think it would look good. "Maybe just some loose curls." I said, hiding my cringe "I don't think crimped hair looks good in 20XX."

Choice time!
(I know it's been a while since the last time I did this. I want to consider those of you who have short/bobbed hair, pixie cuts, or even shaved part of your heads because of your style preferences.)

A. "Curl it, straighten it, it doesn't matter." I said "Do whatever you think would look good."

B. I was a little worried about styling my hair. I had never had anyone do much with it. Mettaton must've remembered my style preferences and put both irons away.

B.(Alt.) I was a little worried about styling my hair. I had never let anyone do much with it. Mettaton must've remembered my style preferences and put both irons away. "Maybe a few curls. Or straighten it." I said hesitantly "But just do the one side."

Choice time over!

He soon finished with my hair and I looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe it was still me. I stood up from the chair and spun around to get a good look at my outfit. I was now ready for homecoming. I couldn't help but feel so happy to finally have this chance. I wouldn't be at home, hoping my friend would have fun with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. I would actually be at the dance with them. And I wouldn't be alone among all the other couples. I wouldn't look like a single pringle. But then again, these thoughts also scared me a little. I would be in public with a robot who looks like he's ten years older than me. Worse, I'd be AT SCHOOL with a robot that looks like he's ten years older than me. What will the staff and teachers think?

"(Y/N) darling, are you okay?" Mettaton asked me. I guess I kind of got lost in my thoughts again. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I answered "Just some anxiety about going to homecoming." He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be okay." he said "No matter what happens tonight, we'll get through it. If they separate us and send monsters away, we can still call each other and you could always move to the Underground." I sort of believed him. I was scared but, I still wanted to try. I also knew that devil might try something to make sure this plan fails.

"I have to make sure Burgerpants rented a limo." he said, opening the door "I wanted us to arrive in style." After he left, Ma got s few pictures of me in my getup. I could tell she was so happy for me and also proud. After she finished taking pictures of me, she left so she could get to the dance. I still don't know why she wanted to chaperone. At least it gives her something to do until I get home. Not to mention, she'd also be able to help with the protest.

I turned back to the mirror and I saw them again. The devil was utterly disgusted at the sight of my outfit. They were probably even more disgusted by the fact that Mettaton and I were getting back together. "This is impossible!" they screeched "You hated each other and now you're in love again?! You destroyed that dress! You broke him! He broke you! Why are you still trying?!" I was even more afraid now. But I worked up some courage and stared them in the face. "I'm still trying because it's who I am." I said "I'm still trying because I still love him and he still loves me. I have a very good reason to continue. You can't change that."

"There are some things I could change." the devil said "I can make sure he hates you and ruin the dance." I shook my head and turned away. "You can't change anything." I told the devil "We have come so far. Nothing is going to ruin this dance or this relationship. You are the powerless loser. Not us." The devil only screeched again and clawed the mirror as if they were trying to break out. I knew they were upset. I knew they wanted to win. But I wasn't going to give in to the devil. I already had to lead a protest for equal rights. Not only was I fighting for monsters' freedom, but also my own. I had nothing to lose. I wasn't ready to. I only continued on.

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