Chapter 2: Encounter With A Drunken Robot

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My face was beet red as he held me close to him. Our eyes had locked and I found it impossible to look away. He now smiled down at me, revealing his pearly whites. "Sweetheart, you obviously can't hold your feelings in.~" he whispered as he gazed at me lovingly. I tried to think of something to say to him. His compliments were too much for me to handle.

"Yeah, no. I normally don't like people who do drugs and alcohol." I tell him as I managed to pry his arms off me. He was really strong which is normal for a robot. He dramatically gasped, hands flying to his mouth and chest. "Don't think I know what you are up to when you're not on stage performing for all the monsters, huh?" I continued "You are a big sinner and I am going to keep away from you, you jerk! I'm doing it for my own good!" Frisk, (Y/F/N), Sans, and Papyrus looked at me. They were shocked by what I had said about the robot standing before me. "Maybe you're just afraid to live on the more dangerous side, darling." Mettaton came back with a more devious smirk on his metal face. Does he not believe in God and His holy powers? Does he not believe in God's holy angels? Does he not believe in anything holy? "Me? Afraid? Ha! I'm not afraid! I just prefer to stick with God and not side with the Devil." as I spoke I could see him shrink into himself. Maybe I was yelling and being too harsh.

I then turned on my heel and started walking back to the park's entrance to go home. Frisk tried to call to me but I had already put my (F/C) earbuds in and was on my way to our house. As I rode home, I listened to (your favorite sad/relatable song) and really thought about the lyrics. I thought about what they mean and how they relate to my life. I hadn't realized I had began to cry as I remembered everything I've been through.

I eventually made it back home and got off my bike. I hung my earbuds around my neck and walked up the steps to the porch. The light was on. Ma must've gotten back already. I opened the door and the smell of (your favorite home cooked meal) filled the air. I started to cheer up just a little.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How was your first day of school?" Ma greeted turning from the stove. I hugged her and responded with: "It was great, Ma." She didn't seem convinced and noticed the sadness in my voice. "It doesn't sound like it." she said putting her hand on my shoulder "Talk to me, honey. Tell me about it." She went back to the stove and began to prepare three dishes. She must've heard about Frisk's return as well. "It actually was a pretty decent day," I began as I wiped a tear from my eye "But when I went to the park to see Frisk, she had introduced me to this one robot-monster-guy named Mettaton who tried to get with me." She then had a serious yet soft, understanding expression. I could tell she was planning on having a really nice conversation with Mettaton when she meets him.

"I kinda yelled at him a little and he just kept talkin' all this sinful stuff and I couldn't handle it. So, I just left." I said as she handed me a dish. "Well, I'll talk to him when I get the chance." she reassured me patting my back "If you want to eat alone, you can. Just be sure you come down here to hear more about your sister's journey." I then started towards the hallway after thanking her.

I walked up the stairs and entered my room. I set my belongings down and got on my knees to pray and thank God and Jesus for what I have. I'll be honest, I was angry with them. But, I still somehow kept my faith.

After I finished dinner, I lied in bed listening to my music. I was currently listening to (your favorite song) when I received a text from Frisk. It has been a long time since I ever got a text from her.

(Frisk): I'm home! I brought guests! You know what Mom always says when we have company?

(You): Yeah, be kind, hospitable, and civilized.

(Frisk): Yep, come help me introduce her to them.

(You): OK, I'm coming.

I reluctantly got up and walked downstairs to join her. I stopped about halfway and saw a familiar pink chestplate. SHE BROUGHT HIM HERE!?!? WHY!? My anxiety was rising again. That guy was now standing in one of the safest places. Well, the safest for me. I couldn't wait for Ma to put'em in his place.

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