Chapter 15: Supermodel Slip Up

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~~~Mettaton's POV~~~

I had gotten up before anyone else and was now preparing for my show. As I was combing my hair I heard some silent sobbing coming from (Y/N) and Frisk's room. I decided to check on them. After all they'd have to get up soon.

As I approached their bedroom door I realized who was crying. I knew I wasn't allowed in without permission but, she needed comforting and I had to be there for her. I then entered and walked over to (Y/N)'s bed and shook her gently, calling her name and telling her to wake up.

"Don't come any closer!" she shouted as she woke up, pushing me away. Her yelling had woken up her sister who was sleeping on the other side of the room. Frisk looked towards us and could barely register what was happening.

"Mettaton, what are you doing?" she asked "You know you can't be in here while she's aslee-"

"I heard her sobbing and wanted to help her." I interrupted. I knew I'll be yelled at for this later. Frisk then looked at (Y/N) worriedly and knew exactly what had happened.

"She had a nightmare." said Frisk "It's common for someone with PTSD to have them along with irregular sleep patterns." I looked at the poor girl and I could tell her past was catching up to her then back at Frisk.

"Should I still comfort her?" I asked her. I wasn't sure if she'd allow it.


I sat next to her on her bed and she moved away. It must've been quite frightening for her. I respected her and kept my distance as not to further upset her. Frisk came over and placed a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) eventually calmed down and spoke up. Frisk was right. It was a nightmare.

"My father was there," she said quietly " and he kidnapped you. All of you weren't here. I had thought I'd slept through the day and when I woke up the house was empty." She seemed to be holding back some information since she looked gravely terrified.

"What else did he do, darling?" I asked her. I wanted to get all of it out so she wouldn't feel so afraid or have to hold it in much longer.

She hesitated before answering, "H-He... He killed you."

"Who?" I questioned. I wanted to know who he killed in her nightmare.

"H-He had a gun... A-And he shot Mettaton first then threatened t-to do the same to Ma, Frisk, and Josephine."

I assumed she had watched this all happen and weighed the odds of comforting her or leaving Frisk to comfort her. I knew we hadn't known each other long but, I also knew I had to help in any way I could. So I decided to scoot closer and hug her. "I know you're afraid it might happen, dear. It won't." I told her as I gave her a reassuring hug "He won't come near you because your mother has made sure you're safe. You both have a copy of the restraining order. He may never harm your family or you. Even if he does decide to show his creepy face, he'll be in for quite the surprise once he sees my defensive form."

(Y/N) looked a little confused when I mentioned my defensive form. I had forgotten she'd never seen it.

I then felt a small vibration in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and realized what time it was. We had only a few hours to get ready and head to the studio. I'm almost never late to work! "I'd hate to make things worse but, we don't have much time, darlings." I said as I got up "We have to be at the studio by 8:00 if we're going to have time to rehearse before we go live."

"Oh, that's right! We have to do that today." (Y/N) said. She hurried to her dresser and dug through her neatly folded clothes to find something nice to wear. "We'll be down in about an hour or so." She told me as she rummaged around to find a decent pair of jeans.

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