Chapter 26: Aria The Demon

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I saw them standing outside and felt the fear of watching them spread false rumors about me and destroy my relationships with other people. I felt the fear of watching them send all monsters away including Mettaton. I didn't know what to do. I only watched them enter through the door leading to the football field. I hid myself in the crowd so they wouldn't see me easily. "What an interesting little party!" they said evilly "Who's the homecoming queen this year? Is it me? If it is, I'm sorry for not getting here sooner. I had problems figuring out what to wear. You know, typical teenage girl stuff."

"Who specifically are you?" the principal asked "State your business and please be on your way. We have yet to announce who our homecoming king and queen are." He stood at the front of the crowd of students in case the demon would try anything. The devil turned to him and revealed their demonic grin. It was at this point that I was convinced my principal was an atheist. He showed no fear in the face of a demon. He didn't believe in demons. But I had a feeling that was about to change. "I am Aria, a demon of hatred, fear, and wrath!" they shouted "Those who oppose me will be obliterated!" Aria looked around at all the frightened faces and stopped when they saw Mettaton. "There are too many monsters here." they said "I have come to help exterminate them. They do not deserve to be in the presence of greatness. They will only continue to break women and girls worldwide."

"What exactly do you mean?" asked one of the teachers "Not all men are monsters. Besides, the only monsters we're trying to get rid of are ones that look like animals and strange talking skeletons." I looked across the room from where I was and noticed Sans's face. He looked offended by what the teacher had said. "Only foolish women and naive girls would say that." said Aria "I am wiser than that. I also know someone else who is smarter than that." I knew they were referring to me. I just had to stay hidden. "You said you were about to announce homecoming king and queen, right?" they asked the principal. He only nodded and went up to the platform with a small blue envelope. He stood in front of the mic and prepared to announce who this year's homecoming king and queen were. "Attention students," he began "As you know, homecoming is always a special night for our school-"

"Just cut to the chase already!" Aria interrupted. They seemed to be eager to find out. "This year's homecoming king and queen are..." the principal paused and tore open the envelope before continuing. He pulled out a little slip of paper and read off the names. "Brandon and (Y/N)!"

The crowd cheered as Brandon, a burly football player, went up to the platform to be crowned. I knew his girlfriend was prone to jealousy. So I didn't follow him. I looked around nervously since I didn't want to be seen by Aria or Brandon's girlfriend Mia. Everyone was cheering for me and pressuring me to go get my crown. But I declined several times.

(Y/F/N) dragged me to the front of the crowd and urged me onto the platform. I stood there for a moment before shakily making my way over to the principal to receive the crown. Once he placed it on my head, I heard Mia yelling about Brandon being a cheater. She approached us in her tight red dress and started berating both of us. This only made my anxiety worse. I tried to calm her down but, she only shoved me off the platform. I looked over and saw Aria laughing at the scene before them. I landed on the floor and didn't notice the crown had flown off my head. Mettaton came over to help me up while Brandon tried to reason with Mia. Apparently Mia was the stuck up captain of the cheer team and would do anything to make us look bad. She wanted to be homecoming queen if Brandon was homecoming king. But she had no reason to be like this.

Aria picked up the crown and looked it over. I watched their face as they realized there wasn't anything special about it. It was just a normal crown. No magic, no powers, nothing unique. I then remembered the first time I saw My Little Pony Equestria Girls and believed Aria learned a thing or two from Sunset Shimmer since they were still... In development sort of. "This crown has no magic." said the devil "What's so important about it if it doesn't have magic?" None of the staff or parents said anything in response. They were too afraid of what might happen if they told Aria it was just a silly way to recognize the amazing achievements of students. Aria's face then returned to it's usual devilish grin as they looked back at the crown they were holding. "Wait, I get it now." they said "I have to put it on to activate it's power." The principal tried to stop them but, the demon had already crowned themselves, laughing wickedly.

"The world will bow to me!" Aria shouted. Nothing happened. It really was just a normal crown. After a few moments, Aria removed the crown from their head and looked at it angrily. "It has no magic!?" they shouted again, making the room shake "I can't believe you mortals are foolish enough to give priceless artifacts to your offspring and say it's a 'special' gift for someone you believe is 'special,' too!"

"We do it to help encourage our students to do good things regardless of their background." the principal told Aria "You were dumb enough to think it held some kind of power." I watched as the devil threw the crown out a window before turning back to the crowd. "For your incompetence, I have no choice but to destroy every monster in this realm!" they threatened "Those who oppose me shall fall with them! All of you will burn for this!" I then made my way to the front of the crowd to face them. I was afraid. But I had to do what was right. I stood my ground and looked directly at them. The devil had taken a physical form similar to mine but, theirs was more feminine looking. "You may not harm monsters!" I exclaimed. Aria quickly turned to me and levitated off the floor to intimidate me. "You think you can slay a demon?" they questioned "You're no match for me. You won't even last a second!" I didn't want to be honest and tell them they had the form that looked the weakest because some women lack the strength to carry a 15lb bag of dog food, which I did do when Daniel was still alive. "I don't know for sure if I can beat you." I said "But I do know I can try. That's all I've ever done and that's all I will ever do. Ma had given up a few times when she was my age and encouraged me and Frisk to keep trying. Look where that has brought us. We never gave up on what mattered to us. So, I'll just give it my all again and I won't be upset if I fail."

Aria was disgusted by what I had said. I then figured out they were friends with the Seven Sins since they praised greed and temptation instead of generosity and salvation. "You will surely lose, human." they said to me "You will regret standing up to your demon. You will regret standing up to the darkness you created." With that, they transformed into a demon. A pair of horns grew out of their head and a tail extended from their waist. Demon wings appeared on their back and their skin was now red. They still resembled me. But they were now the true demon from within. Many humans and monsters cowered in fear. But I still stood front and center. I didn't look away from the demon. I had nothing to lose except my life and I was willing to take the risk.

Aria let out a loud screech and looked down at me. "This is the end for you!" they said in a demonic voice "No mortal has ever defeated their own hatred and wrath!" I knew I had no magic. But I remembered I had a rainbow soul that could help me win. "We will see." I said as I approached them "We will see." I didn't care if I was in a dress and heels. I was going to fight and I was going to do it in style although, I wouldn't normally approve of something like this since dresses and heels weren't designed for battles. But apparently video games and anime show female characters that can do it. I hoped I could do it without too much pain.

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