Chapter 29: Slaying The Demon

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I gathered what strength I could as Aria prepared to launch an attack. The lives of humans and monsters were on the line and I knew that if I gave up, they'd all be killed. Aria launched their attack but, I dodged and pulled out the toy gun, firing at the demon. I then floated over to them and punched them as the boxing glove appeared like it had done earlier. Not long after that, I found myself trapped within the purple bars again and tried to dodge as many attacks as I could despite not having anywhere to go. Once I was free, I pulled out the frying pan and used it to block Aria's homing attacks while jumping over others. Then I pulled out the toy knife and tried slashing at them with it. It was difficult to follow Aria since they were leaping around the gymnasium to dodge, but I eventually landed a few blows.

The fight continued with us taking turns attacking the other. I'd dodge an attack and get hit by another that I wasn't expecting. Aria would dodge some of mine and other times wouldn't be able to. Usually spirits wouldn't be able to physically fight those with a physical body and are rarely affected by physical attacks. But I guessed I was still able to fight.

Soon we were both on our last bits of life. One blow would decide the fate of the world. The devil looked at me with an evil smile. They planned on killing me but, I couldn't let them do it. They charged their magic while I stood in front of my friends, ready for the end. "The weaklings always perish quickly." Aria said as fireballs and projectiles appeared behind them, ready to fire "You weren't even a challenge. I knew you didn't stand a chance and tried to warn you. But you didn't listen. You said you'd try to stop me. Your efforts have failed. You were a fool to stand up to me. Now, is there anything you want to say before I end you?"

I knew it would be over after this. I knew I had to take this risk. It was just one shot. One shot to save them all. One shot that could be the end of me if I mess it up. But I was willing. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't afraid to fail. My own darkness no longer scared me as much as it used to.

I faced my demon with a heart full of courage and braced for the worst. "Go on and try." I said to them "Go ahead and end it. One of us will make it out alive and alter the fate of the world. For better or worse. Villains always make long speeches about their plans and somehow live long enough to see themselves become worse and sometimes live with the guilt of destroying others for their own selfish needs. Heroes sacrifice themselves to see the world become a better place without villains. Do whatever you want."

"I'm glad to see that you're surrendering so easily now that I've almost defeated you." Aria began "Although, I would've expected you to continue your futile efforts to stop me. I will say you were quite a fair match when you had the strength to fight. You are still too weak to survive though." The devil then launched their final attack on me. All their fireballs and projectiles flew at me quickly. But I was surviving.

A suit of armor formed on my body magically as a shield appeared in one hand and a sword in the other. I blocked most of the projectiles and dodged others. I then raised my sword towards the sky as a rainbow aura surrounded me. "I am no longer afraid!" I shouted "I am stronger! My demons do not scare me! My past does not scare me! I am not afraid to take chances! I have everything I need to be happy and I won't take it for granted. I am free!"

Several colors swirled around me as a rainbow beam shot down from the sky. A pair of angel wings sprouted from my back and a halo appeared over my head. I flew towards the devil and swung my sword. They managed to dodge it but, I kept up my efforts. Every time they dodged I watched them grow tired. They didn't have much energy left to fight. They were weaker. "I will slay my demon and free myself from my fear!" I shouted as I raised my sword again. This was the end. The end of several long years of fear and hatred.

I swung my sword one last time as a wave of rainbow light flew towards the demon. It eventually swallowed them up. But they were still in my body. I flew into the light as it removed the demon from my body so my spirit could return to it before it was obliterated. Once I was back in my body, I watched the light swallow Aria along with all the fear, hatred, and wrath I contained for so long. I never wanted to feel like a demon again. What a monster I was on the inside. But now, that me was gone. The new me no longer hated men so much and also wasn't afraid to put herself out there. She was strong and fearless. She was a leader. She was a leader who fought for the minorities and the weak. She was also a bit of a demon slayer and a video game nerd. If that didn't spell "awesome," then what did?

I continued watching Aria die in the light I created. I was glad to finally be rid of my demon. It was amazing to be able to live freely like a stallion or mustang. No voice in my head saying men are monsters that harm children or just a creep in general. I might still keep that last instinct just in case I ever run into one. But I was free. Aria was gone and I was free!

As the light faded and Aria's remains disappeared, I emerged out as a hero. I conquered a lot in just a few weeks. I learned to trust again, defeated my demon, and helped save millions of lives of humans and monsters. I looked toward my friends and family and saw them all smiling. They were all proud of me for what I did. I ran over to them for a group hug. "(Y/N), we are all so proud of you." Ma said through tears "We thought you wouldn't make it. Look at you now! I feel like you've grown so much in one night."

"She's right." Frisk added "You survived. You're practically a warrior, sis." I couldn't fight the tears in my eyes and just let them fall. I didn't care if my makeup became runny. Carrie Underwood said you can't cry pretty. Ever. And it didn't matter what situation it was either.

We all took a moment to relax after the recent incident and just cry it out. It was scary. But we pulled through together and we're all still alive in the end. Also, the school did suffer from some damage in the gymnasium. They ended up planning a redo for the dance in a month or so since they had to fix the roof and walls as well as get new crowns for the homecoming king and queen. I was sure they'd ask us to help pay for the damages and maybe also sponsor the dance. It was a crazy night for everyone and I'm pretty sure the principal would be going to church and therapy for a while after seeing a real demon. He was probably glad he didn't get killed at least. As for Mia and Brandon, I bet they'd find a way to fix their relationship. I don't think anyone wanted another fiasco like this one. But if one ever came up, I'll be ready to stop it before things escalate.

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