Aftermath (who broke it)

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(Y/n): So who broke it????

(Y/n): I'm not mad, I just want to know.

Jonathan: *sighs* I did, I break it-

(Y/n): No, No you didn't.

(Y/n): Josuke.

Josuke: Don't look at me, look at Giorno.

Giorno: What, I didn't break it.

Josuke: Huh, that's weird.

Josuke: How did you know it's broken?!

Giorno: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.

Josuke: Suspicious......

Giorno: *sighs*, No it's not.

Jolyne: It doesn't matters, probably not but Joseph's the only one to use it.

Joseph: Liar, I didn't do or drink (y/n)'s mug.

Jolyne: Oh really, then what are you doing by the coffee curt earlier with (Y/n)'s favorite mug????

Joseph: I was getting coffee for my queen, everyone knows that JOLYNE!!!!!!

Jonathan: Okay let's not fight, I broke your mug let me pay for it (y/n) honey.

(Y/n): NO, WHO BROKE IT?!?!?!?!

*silence for a few minutes, until Jolyne break up the silence*

Jolyne: (Y/n), Jotaro's been awfully quiet......

Jotaro: Really?!?!

Jolyne: Yeah, Really.

Jotaro: OH MY GOD!!!!!!

*All of the Jojo's are arguing in the kitchen, while (Y/n) is in the living room*

(Y/n): Caesar Zeppeli/ Noiraki Kakyoin broke it.

(Y/n): Last month in March, Caesar/ Noriaki and I smelled Joseph's/Jotaro's worst coffee scent so Zeppeli/ Kakyoin rinsed and destroyed it, every 10 minutes for now they beat each others throats pin more faces and pig head on the stick......

*(Y/n) looks at Joestars in the kitchen and they're still arguing about who broke (Y/n)'s favorite mug*

(Y/n): *quietly giggles* Good, it's getting a little chumier around here.....

Thanks for Reading, and goodnight.

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