Chapter 4: Casino boy and the yellow salad boy Part 1 + choosing an ending

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(Hey guys, it's Angel Wolf/Taelin and I am here again for an teamwork ending of you to choose after the finale of Chapter 21 and I want you all to choose which ending is the best once I put an Jojo and a Jobro names on it during Wednesday 2:49pm. And in 3, 2, 1, Action!!!)

You: Ahhh, it's going to be summer break after 24 days of school and I have everything planned for my best summer break ever in my schedule and it seems that today is Sunday, so I guess that I will go to my favorite special place, the castle restaurant. *jumps up and down of excitement and started getting dressed for the castle restaurant that is open at 9am, brushes her teeth, brushes her hair, puts her socks and low heels on, grabs her purse with (F/A) wallet, and goes to the castle restaurant*

*in the castle restaurant, 9:01AM*

Y/n: Yeah, I made it just in time. *smiles sweetly and goes 1st in line, but hears 2 different two men talking about something, looks at them, and sees an brown haired look a like casino male and an blonde Italian Caesar salad boy* Hey, who are you both and what are you both doing here??

Joseph: I'm Joseph Joestar, but you can call me Your prince charming.

Caesar: I'm Caesar Zeppeli, Mi Amor (My love.)

You: I see....

*To be continued*

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