Plorgue part [2/2]

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*after answering Jolyne, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, Speedwagon and every Jobro and Jogirl's questions, the royal jojo channel is back on live with (y/n) and Yusuke*

Yusuke: welcome back everyone, after (y/n) answering each questions to everyone, she said we'll have a live action of meeting everyone in the video camera, Starting with Jolyne Kujo and Jonathan joestar.

*on live web cam, Jolyne and Jonathan are on video*

Jolyne: Hi everyone in channel, and omg hello to you (y/n) (l/n) I am your biggest fan of all the time you spent so long and....oh Jonathan is coming BRB.

Jonathan: um Hi everyone, it's greatly to see you guys and you as well (y/n), oh I got a question for you: do you have a fiance if not then you and I can get to know about each other and maybe sometimes we can be lovers, huh how does sound (y/n) yes or no??????

Choose your answer: should (Y/n) and Jonathan get to know about each other and be lovers??????




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