Chapter 1: A royal tradition welcome.

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Y/n: I think we will think about it for a while Jonathan, goodnight for now.

Jonathan: What, no wait (Y/n)-

*the screen is turned off*

Yusuke: *clears throat* Anyway, (Y/n) do you want to keep answering more questions or do you want to go to sleep now?

(Y/n): Well, I go to sleep at 9:00pm, so I decided that I am going to answer more questions to my dear specialist fans.

*after answering (Y/n)'s fans special questions, (Y/n) is walking home first before going to a restaurant that is open*

*Jonathan's POV*

Jonathan: I can't believe it that (Y/n) didn't answer my proposal question, *screaming in anger*, but I won't let you get away this time, *evil laughter* oh no, I will see you tomorrow morning in school.

*(Y/n)'s POV*

(Y/n): Wow, so amazing.

*(Y/n) looks at the mysterious red cherry man who is painting a new picture and is looking at her*

Kakyoin: Hello my little cherry, my name Noriaki Kakyoin and I was wondering if you want to sit with me since I want to get to know you better.

(Y/n): Sure, my name is (Y/n) (L/n) and it's nice to meet you too.

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