Chapter 3: Gentleman trustings

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You: Ugh, I hate being in my room and there's nothing to do except for getting this place cleaned, but I can go to the mall, I must put on some disguise. *You went to your closet and dressed up in your 1st disguise for no one noticing you, after that, you went to the mall, you got your wallet with you, an (F/An) (Favorite Animal) wallet* The Mall, here I come.

*In the mall*

You: Well, here I am the mall, what should I buy in?? *You didn't know that there's an giant dark blue haired male Joestar right behind you, he put his right hand on your shoulder, you shivered in fear, turn yourself in front of him and was about to scold him, but you noticed his face* Jonathan Joestar, what in the world are you doing here?!

Jonathan: Well Y/n, I was about to go find some flowers for my mother in the mall, but I spotted you standing alone in the mall, anyways, can I join you for only today??

Y/n: Sure, but please don't be too crazy about me.

Jonathan: I would never be like that.

*Timeskip, after the mall during nighttime*

You: Hey Jonathan, thanks for coming with me in the mall, I really really appreciate your help.

Jonathan: Thanks Y/n.

*You kiss Jonathan in the lips deeply and walk yourself home while carrying your bags from the mall, leaving Jonathan Joestar standing on the sidewalk*

Jonathan:....Oh N/n, you will be my lover and no one will separate our love, see you next week and I will invite you for dinner in a royal rich restaurant, just the two of us, forever and ever and ever.

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