Chapter 2: An sweet, warm clear feeling.

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Y/n: So, uh Kakyoin, can I sit next to you?

Kakyoin: Sure, my cherry blossom.

Y/n: *blushing deeper while sitting in front of him* So, Kakyoin, can I ask you a question????

Kakyoin: Sure, what's your question?

Y/n: Who's your #1 fan in TV????

Kakyoin: Well, yours, because I cherished you of my life.

Y/n: Really, I thought someone else is my #1 fan. *giggles*


Y/n: Man, Kakyoin is so kind to me.

Mandy: Sis, come on, go inside of the house and get dressed because we're going to your new school and we will go to visit Funny Valentine in a royal restaurant for dinner.

Y/n: Okay onii-chan. *smiles*

*To be continued*

Hey everyone, this is Taelin aka Angel Wolf, and I like to apologize for making you feel patient, I was busy in school, but I will try my best to create more pages during summer time, and I hope you enjoy it, and Sometimes that you got to see it of to shine it.

Love you, my dear anime readers.

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