- 𝗬𝘂𝗿𝗶 𝗞𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻

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Requested: Not requested

Pairing: Yuri Kagarin x Reader

Warnings: Reader is female. Degradation, dirty talk, and voyeur kinks are mentioned.

Author's Note: I saw nobody do this so why not took the opportunity. Also, I tried my best to make this accurate. What I'll be working on next: Makoto Naegi x Reader & a Rantaro crack-fic.

Word Count & Date it's Written: 750 words (Including author's notes) and written on April 8th, 2021.


A - Aftercare (What are they after sex)

Yuri is a king at aftercare, he'll do whatever you want. You want a bath? You get a bath. You want water? He will get you water.

B - Body part (Favorite body part on them and their partner)

He loves his dick because he can fuck you.

Yuri loves and worships every inch of his partner, he can't choose just 1 body part!

C - Cum (Anything that has to do with cum)

He cums in a condom but will cum anywhere you like [Cause he's a simp-]

D - Dirty Secret (Self-explanatory)

Yuri once watched gay porn and was traumatized-

E - Experience (Self-explanatory)

Yuri knows what he is doing from porn, but your the first person that had sex with him.

F - Favorite Position (Self-explanatory)

I headcanon him as a switch but more submissive so he loves when you ride him. Yuri also wants to try every position.

G - Goofy (How humorous are they during the moment?)

Probably makes a few space sex jokes, but stop he'll stop if you want.

H - Hair (How much hair do they have in their area? does the carpet match the drapes?)

Yuri shaves it so there is not much hair. Also, the carpet does match the drapes.

I - Intimate (How are they in the moment? are they romantic?)

He'll set the room up like put rose petals on the bed all those romantic stuff. On a few occasions, Yuri will take you out to a 5-star hotel or a love hotel.

J - Jack off (How much or how they masturbate)

Yuri jacks off at least once a week or more. He will also jack off if you are not in the mood.

K - Kink (What are their kinks?)

He is into dirty talk, also he likes you to degrade him a little. I headcanon that Yuri likes voyeur. Yuri is open to try any kink.

L - Location (Where they like to have sex?)

Mostly in private areas, but sometimes in a semi-public spot.

M - Motivation (What turns them on and gets them going?)

Nudes, being flashed, or your lingerie. Also, you can ask him if you are in the mood.

N - NO (Turn off, something that they won't do)

Yuri will NEVER hurt his partner in any way, he worships his partner too much to hurt them.

O - Oral (Do they like oral? Are they good at it? Are they a giver or a receiver?)

Yuri is both a giver and a receiver. He loves blowjobs and licking your clit.

P - Pace (What pace do they go or they like?)

He loves it when you go slow and then go faster.

Q - Quickie (What's their opinion on quickies)

He doesn't really like them but will do it if his partner wants.

R - Risks (Do they take risks?)

Yuri is open to trying anything as long it's not gross or it hurts his partner.

S - Stamina (How long they can last?)

He can last at least 2 - 3 rounds.

T - Toys (How many toys they own and do they use them?)

Yuri has a LOT and that's not an exaggeration, and will use them if you want.

U - Unfair (Do they like to tease?)

Doesn't really like to tease but if you're into teasing, he'll do it.

V - Volume (What sounds they make? How loud are they?)

Very vocal like, "You feel good~". Yuri also grunts.

W - Wild Card (Random headcanon)

As I mentioned, Yuri is a switch but more submissive. He told you that he's gonna fuck you so hard, but can't with that height difference-

X - X-ray (What's going on in those pants? Pictures or words)

Since he's 5'0, his dick is about 5.5 inches, 6 inches when he's hard. His dick has a girth of 3 inches, and a little curvy.

Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive)

You can tell him that you are in the mood.

Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)

Yuri falls asleep after you because he wants to admire you first.


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