- 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲~

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(Reader is female)

I wAlked to The StrEet wIth a ThIcC aVocadO 😜🥑😜🥑🥑✨😌💅, "Y/n~ can you fuck me when we get home~~~~" he sAid thAt HIs this dEep aVocadO voicE. I goT HoMe aNd I KiCk hIM tO oN tHe sofA. "Kinky~~~" Said the avoCadO bitch.

I rEMOved thIs PantS and His AvoCaDo BoxErs, tHen I saw His coochie. "I-I-I-It's a-a-a b-b-beautif-f-ful co-o-oochie." 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I SaiD, "Are you going to fuck me already?" the coochie said. "O-O-Ok.." I said, I sTartED To lIck tHe CoocHie.

"I'm going to write a smut about this!!" (Ifykyk 😌 if you don't know then looks at my user-) "AAHHH!~~~" ThE tHiCc avOcaDo scReamed, then He cAme guACamMoLe 🥑🥑🥑🥑🥑 In my mouth. "H-H-He c-cums very fast.." I thought to MySelF.

"JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!!" tHe fAt CooChie ScrEaMed (Why did I wrote Y/N saying that I'm fat?- 😃) I pulLeD oUT mY 2 FooT StraP-On And ShovEd it In ThE avOcaDo's tHiCc Ass. "OOOOHHHH~~~~" MoAnEd ThaT AvoCadO, I thRustEd fAsTer MakIng RanTaro iN ThIs FAcIal eXpResSiOn 😏😏🧚‍♀️😏💕💕✨✨

 "OOOOHHHH~~~~" MoAnEd ThaT AvoCadO, I thRustEd fAsTer MakIng RanTaro iN ThIs FAcIal eXpResSiOn 😏😏🧚‍♀️😏💕💕✨✨

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TheN hE caMe ON tHe sTrap-oN, I pullEd oUt And mAde oUt. THeN we DiD yOu KnoW 😏😏😏😏😏😏😃😃😃😃😃💕💕💕💕💕

I hope I made this amusing because I tried.

268 words (including author's notes) and written on April 8th, 2021.

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