- (𝗘1) 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗸?

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Requested: Iloveanime659

Pairing: Ryoma Hoshi x Reader

Warnings: Reader is a female, killing game AU, sex at Ryoma's lab, Ryoma being bigger from one of Miu's inventions, rough sex, and Ryoma apologizing to the reader.

Author's Notes: I'm sorry this took too long to post this. I was really excited to see that my bestie requested Nikei being a total sub. I hope you enjoy the long smut!

Word Count & Date it's Written: 1,042 words (Including author's notes), and written at June 2nd, 2021.



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"Y/N! I have made an invention for your fucking boyfriend." A voice said, You look back and saw Miu. "Where is it? Is it in your lab?" You asked, "Well duh! Now come here!'. You walked with Miu to her lab, she opened a door and you can see her research lab and your boyfriend, Ryoma is in it.

You and Miu got into the lab and you also saw a tall machine, "What's this?" You pointed to the machine and asked. "Oh, it's the invention for your your dumb boyfriend." "My boyfriend isn't dumb!" You told Miu, angrily. "Whatever tit-less" you just rolled your eyes, "Short bitch get into that invention"." Miu told Ryoma.

He just rolled his eyes and got into the machine, after 5 minutes, Ryoma came out of the machine and he was, let say...


I'm talking about 6 feet tall.

Ryoma is about 6 feet tall.

You were surprised, "Why did you make my boyfriend taller? I like him before!" You yelled at Miu. "I'm just trying to, fucking help." Miu rolled her eyes, you took Ryoma's hand and dragged him away from Miu's lab. "Y/N, do you want to come in my lab?" Ryoma asked, "Sure, why not" you replied.

The both of you went to Ryoma's lab, this was the first time of you being in it, since the both of you usually spend time in your lab. You find tennis balls everywhere, assuming that Ryoma was in here, playing tennis. You also saw machines in the back so you thought that Ryoma was playing tennis with those machines.

Ryoma's research lab ⬇️

"Do you wants to play tennis?" Ryoma asked, "Sure!" You responded, enthusiastically

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"Do you wants to play tennis?" Ryoma asked, "Sure!" You responded, enthusiastically. You looked for a tennis racket and found one, you held the racket and so is Ryoma. (He also found a racket)

(Let's say that you knew how to play tennis) Ryoma picked up a ball, got his racket ready and so did you and threw the ball. The ball went towards you and you hit it with your racket, the ball now went towards Ryoma and he hit it with his racket.

This went on for a minute until you missed that ball, this repeats for about 5 rounds and Ryoma won all of the rounds.

"Heh, good game Y/N" Told Ryoma, "Good game" you replied, the both of you walked to each other.

You were about to kiss his cheek but so you almost kneeled down but then you realized that Ryoma is now tall. Ryoma is now taller than you so you tip-toed/looked up and kissed his cheek. Ryoma smiled slightly and wrapped an arm around your waist, you kissed him, right in the lips.

He kissed back and the kiss slowly started into a make out session. "Jump" Ryoma said to you, you jumped and he caught you. Your legs are wrapped around his waist while his arms are wrapped around your waist, Ryoma carried you to the corner of his lab.

He sat down on the floor, now you're sitting on his lap. Ryoma stopped the make out session and began kissing your neck, hearing whimpers coming out of your mouth. You were feeling a impatient and you just want him to fuck you,"Can I take off your shirt?" Ryoma asked you. "Yeah sure" You agreed, he took off your top, leaving you in your [(favorite) color] bra.

"You look really hot~" Ryoma said seductively in his deep voice, you took off your bra, leaving your breasts free. "You can suck them..if you want.." you said, "Really?" He replied, "Yeah!"

"Ok~" Ryoma lowered his head and sucked your right nipple while playing with the left boob. You moaned quietly, he bit your boob and stopped, he now sucked your left nipple and right boob. Ryoma also bit your boob, he even bit that nipple and you moaned.

Ryoma eventually stopped, "Get up and turn around" he told you and you do what he told, you stood up and turned around, now your back is facing him. Ryoma stood up and commanded you, "Bend down" you bended down and now you're in a downward dog position. He removes his pants and his boxers down and slammed his cock inside your ass, he heard a loud moan from you.

"Fuck..." Ryoma moaned quietly as he thrusted his dick into your ass.

Ryoma was feeling for a quickie but didn't tell you so he just thrusted faster and faster until you were screaming. He started to spank your ass and eventually, you almost have to cum, "R-Ryoma...I think I have to cum-" "Cum with me" he replied. After a few moments of thrusting and spanking, the both of you came and you got up, he spanked your ass hard...Maybe..A little too hard...

"AH!" you screamed and then cried out "That actually hurts..."

"Oh shit...I'm sorry Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's ok.." You replied, you looked down and Ryoma rubbed your ass.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Ryoma's lab door (I want to clarify that Ryoma closed the door after the both of you are inside his lab.) You quickly got dressed and Ryoma put back his boxers and pants.

Ryoma walked to the door and opened it, surprisingly it was Miu. "Hi tit-less and your virgin boyfriend! I have an invention to make your fucking boyfriend short again." Miu Shifted her gaze towards you. "I just want to get this over with.." you just sighed, "Then follow me, bitch!" Commanded Miu as she turned around and walked towards the door.

I just wanna finish the other 2 requests to let's say in 8 minutes, Ryoma is short again.


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