Tomato and Parachute

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Yejin really disliked being blindfolded, especially in a big, combined group where everyone was mingling and awkwardly bumping into each other.

As the orientation game 'Secret Tinder' goes, boys and girls are blindfolded and assigned nicknames to use before they go around introducing themselves and finding out more about each other.

At the end of the interaction session, the girls will pick a partner by calling out the nickname of the boy with whom they have chosen to play subsequent games.

She had randomly spoken with a few boys, though none were truly memorable.

In fact, she hardly registered their nicknames. There was a 'Sauce' and a 'Celestial' or something, but that was all she could remember, especially since she hadn't bothered with asking questions in greater detail.

After all, orientation was no longer as fun as it should have been, Yejin glumly thought.

All she could think about were the girls who were interacting with Bin.

Taking a few more steps forward, the former student council president released a soft 'oof' when a heavier presence bumped into her, before a large hand respectfully steadied her by the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, are you alright? Umm...I am Tomato."

Her heart beat faster as the very familiar baritone washed over her; she knew this voice.

She had known this presence since she was four, since that day when he had knocked her dolls over with his basketball.

"I'm Parachute." Yejin gently replied, sensing the surprise that clung heavily to Tomato as he too, recognized her for who she was.

The hand on her shoulder did not leave.

"Hey." He gently acknowledged, grateful for the fact that they got a chance to speak with each other, even if it was in the midst of so many other blindfolded students. "Are you enjoying orientation, Parachute?"

It might seem simple, yet it was deep.

"I'm not."

This time, she'd be honest with herself.

Her warped logic and unfounded worries in the days prior to entering Yonsei University had brought nothing but growing misery; it was terrifying to see how they still had a lot to build in terms of their relationship's foundation.

Yejin had always assumed, taken for granted even, that they were rock solid, but at nineteen years of age, they actually had a long way to go.

Nothing should ever be taken for granted, that was one lesson she learnt.

On top of everything, all of this suffering could have been prevented.

Why couldn't she allow themselves to be like her friends Hyojin and Ha Neul? Or Jihye and Jung Hyun?

It was so stupid, really. Hyojin was right in scolding her.

"What happened?" The concern was evident in his voice.

"I told everyone a lie, Tomato." Swallowing her pride, the ex-council president confessed, thankful for the blindfold that hid the emotions swimming in their eyes. "It was such a stupid lie. I messed up, I messed up big time. I hurt myself, and I hurt a very good person."

In front of the eyes of the seniors who were overseeing the program, Hyun Bin couldn't do anything more, but the hand on Yejin's shoulder tightened in a comforting squeeze.

"You didn't mess up, Parachute. I am alright."

"I'm not alright. I know you aren't either. You must be so upset with me."

A series of gentle, reassuring pats on her shoulder only made her feel worse.

"All I know is, I will always choose to be kind to the one I love." The former basketball team captain gently added, "Also, I hope you know you can always cry to, and always confide in the one you love."

What had she done to earn this unwavering trust and acceptance?

Words seemed so redundant; she wished she could run into his arms and hold him tight.

"I am sorry." These three words were all she could manage.

"Don't be. It's alright."

"Two more minutes! Speak to as many people as you can, and do remember their nicknames!" One of the seniors shouted over the buzz of the activity.

"I'll see you later." Hyun Bin said, stepping away when Yejin replied with a simple 'okay'.

The self-introduction segment of the program ended shortly after, and the girls were asked to move to one side of the hall with the boys staying on the other side.

They will soon be playing games in pairs, so one by one, the girls were asked to stand up and introduce themselves with their nicknames and announce their choice of game partner.

Soon, it was her turn.

From where she was standing, Yejin could see Hyun Bin very clearly. He noticed it was her turn to pick a partner, he surely did, but there was no anticipation or whatsoever in his eyes.

Instead, the basketball player dipped his gaze to his shoes, arms crossed over his knees as he silently hoped for time to pass faster.

Orientation wasn't enjoyable in the least.

"I am Parachute," The former student council President started. "And my choice of game partner is..."

Hyun Bin looked up, and their eyes met in that moment.


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