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"Hyun Bin, what was your most embarrassing moment ever?" One of the orientation group leaders, Claire, asked, reading off a card she held in her hand with Hyun Bin's answers. "Remember, no verbal hints!"

Looking at his game partner with a small smile, the basketball player jogged a few steps back, before silently executing a watered-down version of the roundhouse kick, before pretending to fall backwards.

That got a few girlish squeals erupting around the hall, but that wasn't the point here.

"Yejin, your answer?"

"Getting knocked out cold by his girlfriend during taekwondo class with a spinning roundhouse kick in front of their high school classmates." Yejin suppressed a chuckle, answering without missing a beat.

Claire's eyes widened impossibly, before exclaiming in amazement, "That's correct! One more point to Team 2. Team 1 you'd have to work harder than this to catch up!"

Hyun Bin walked over to where Yejin was to meet her in a high-five, drawing greater cheers from their group mates.

Seated in the crowd, Yejin's orientation group mate May turned to Hyojin amid the raucous cheers, confusion etched all over her pretty features.
"How does she know so much?"

Smiling conspiratorially, Hyojin shrugged. "Beats me."

Still perplexed, May quietly commented, "Look at that smile on Hyun Bin's face though. I've been staring at him for days and never knew he was capable of smiling so goofily. He always looks so cool."

"It depends greatly on who he is with. That much I know."

"Next question! What was your most memorable childhood ambition?"

Yejin tried to look surprised; that was so easy, she didn't even need to have Bin act it out for her.

One of the hot gossip topics that bothered her the most in the last four days was the one about how Hyun Bin had displayed great chemistry with another girl.

They had apparently been playing an ice-breaking game, Silent Charades, like they were doing now, and managed to guess the correct answer for a good four out of five clues.

If it was chemistry they wanted to talk about, she'd show them.

She'd show them how five out of five looked like.

No one could ever wish to come close to the level of chemistry she shared with Bin, Yejin thought competitively.

Hyun Bin mimicked the simple motion of driving, which got a few of their new friends whispering if it could be a bus driver or a professional race driver.

The former council president raised her hand. "Garbage truck driver."

"You got it right!" Claire announced, shaking her head in amazement as she led the freshmen in a round of thunderous applause. "That's some unbelievable chemistry right there!"

"What? He hasn't even done anything to hint that it was a garbage truck!" Poor May was positively lost by now.

With Hyun Bin and Yejin easily winning for Team 2, the orientation group leaders started the next game, "Fake Date".

Capturing everyone's attention with a raised hand, Claire went on to explain the details of the game.

"Each team's representatives will be given a script, for which you have thirty seconds to memorize as much as you can. The more scenes you successfully act out, the more points you win for your team. Is that clear?"

Team 1, having lost the Silent Charades round, nominated a new pairing for "Fake Date".

Team 2, on the other hand, was very happy to stick with Yejin and Hyun Bin as their representatives following their perfect score in the previous game.

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