The Hangover

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"He isn't dead, is he?"

"Of course he isn't, don't be silly, Yejin."

", I can't believe he's been out for so long. Like what, eighteen hours?"

"Hyojin, he downed seven shots at one go. What do you expect?"

"What should I do if he dies? Who am I going to terrorize if Bin is gone?"

"Yejin, stop thinking he's going to die."

"Don't you think he still looks handsome even in this state? In the statue sort of way."

"May, stop thirsting over my boyfriend in my presence."

"No I won't stop thirsting."

"Hey Bin, your favorite Miss Sam is here from the US to see you, wake up now, wake up..."

"Hyojin, I swear I'm going to kick you if you mention Miss Sam again!"

"Girls, I still have pictures and videos from last night...should I put them on IG and tag him?"

"Shut up, Ha Neul."

Familiar and unfamiliar voices reverberated in the hazy cloud plaguing his mind; he tried to open his eyes, but that feeble attempt ended prematurely when throbbing pain shot through him.

Drawing a quivering breath, releasing an involuntary groan, Hyun Bin tried to speak, only to stop in mid-attempt when his throat clammed up from dryness.

"Oh my God, he's finally awake! Bin, Bin!"

Oh, goodness. He usually loved Yejin's voice but her screams were now grating on his senses.

Amid a chorus of 'I told you so', his girlfriend's voice finally went down in volume and shrillness.


"Bin, are you alright?"

A cool hand was pressed against his forehead, in a very welcome touch, drawing a soft groan.

"Hey bro, glad you're alive and kickin'! Thought that was the end of you— ouch!" Ha Neul started, only for his words to end in a yelp when Hyojin twisted his ear viciously. "You don't have to pull so hard!"

Said couple started bickering, to no one's surprise.

Summoning his strength, Hyun Bin tried to speak again, as difficult as it was.

"Wait, wait, he's trying to say something!" May pointed out upon seeing faint movement of lips.


Leaning in closer, Yejin hurriedly brought her ear closer to her boyfriend's face.


Straining her ears to listen, the former student councilor frowned as she caught bits and pieces of what her boyfriend was trying to say.

"...what is he saying?" Hyojin asked curiously, studying her best friend's face closely.

"He asks all of you to get out." Yejin delivered the rather impolite request with a sheepish grin.

Their senior Regina was the first to burst into laughter after the initial shock had worn off. "Why, of course! Okay, let's go out, girls and umm...boy. Don't forget to hydrate lots!"

With that said, the rest of the group left the dorm room which Hyun Bin shared with Ha Neul, with the latter insisting indignantly, "Hey, that's my room too!"

Seeing that they were now alone by themselves, Yejin turned back to her boyfriend, brushing the hair out of his face. "I was so worried, Bin. You were asleep for so are you feeling now?"

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