Boy Talk

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"What? You really haven't done it?! Seriously?!" Ha Neul practically shouted, before the rest of what he had to say became muffled and unintelligible as Hyun Bin clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh!" The former basketball team captain hissed, frantically scanning their surroundings in the men's changing room. "I'm not asking for you to broadcast this!"

The freshmen basketball team had just finished practice, and some of the college boys had been chatting about— you've guessed it— sex.

Ha Neul obviously had heaps to contribute to his favorite topic, as with some of the other basketballers, but Hyun Bin had kept very quiet as his new teammates engaged in their very active discussions.

The latter's silence hadn't gone unnoticed by his best friend, which subsequently resulted in this awful conversation.

"Sorry, sorry." The other boy flashed an apologetic, sheepish smile. "I mean, you can't blame me for being shocked, right?"

The taller boy's expression was clouded over with embarrassment— was it really that shocking?

"So, what's the issue? Yejin?" The cheeky power forward continued, before his eyes dipped to the former basketball team captain's crotch. "Or do you have some problems there...?"

The latter feigned throwing a punch, to which Ha Neul pretended to duck, chuckling with barely-suppressed laughter.

"See, I don't even know if she's interested

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"See, I don't even know if she's interested." Hyun Bin sat down on the bench in the changing room, his mouth shifting involuntarily into a pout. "We haven't even spoken about doing it before..."

That was true, they had never broached the topic.

How should they even get started?

"I can't fault her, not everyone is as effortlessly attractive as I am, but you're far from being pond scum."

"...umm, thanks?" Hyun Bin shot his best friend a dirty look.

"Okay, I'm sorry, alright?" Ha Neul put his arm around his Captain good-naturedly, pulling the latter closer as he dropped his voice into a conspiratorial whisper. "So what do you plan to do about it?"

" it, of course!" The taller boy shrugged off his friend's hold on him, increasingly annoyed, especially when the topic at hand was such an embarrassing one at his expense.

Talking to his joker of a best friend about his problems was clearly not helping the situation.

Reconsidering friendship seemed like a good solution, he thought with narrowed eyes.

" isn't that difficult, actually."

Jealous and irritated, yet burning with curiosity, Hyun Bin muttered. " did you get to doing it?"

"She asked first." Ha Neul admitted, drying his hair with a fresh towel.


"Yeah...we did a Christmas staycation and she asked, 'Are we really going to sit here and play cards the whole time? You don't want to do me?' So it happened."

Wow. Hyojin.


While it was an interesting answer, it wasn't the most reassuring answer.

If he waited for Yejin to make the first move, or maybe even hint towards making the first move, they would both die virgins. Without a doubt.

Trying not to sulk, still wallowing in the horrible taste of his sour grapes, Hyun Bin muttered as curiosity got the better of him, " did it go?"

"Good." Ha Neul assumed what he clearly thought was a sexy expression, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Very, very good. Really, the best thing I've done till date, hands down."

The acidity of the sour grapes plummeted to levels comparable to hydrochloric acid.

"You should try doing it soon." His best friend suggested helpfully, or not so helpfully, eliciting a silent scowl from the bitter young man.

Burying his face in his hands, Hyun Bin lamented. " My Yejin is so modest and sweet...I don't know, I have a feeling she'll be scared off if I try to talk about doing it with her."

"Well, any normal girl would be shocked if you started the conversation with 'Shall we have sex?', right? I have a much better idea." The power forward said in a hushed voice.

Having learnt from experience that Ha Neul's ideas aren't always the best, the former basketball team captain tilted his chin questioningly.


"You have to seduce her."

Hmm. Okay, that sounded reasonable.

" how? Kiss her or something?"

Ha Neul rolled his eyes.

"Come on man, that's so mediocre. We're no longer in high school. You need something more with a wow factor." He gestured dramatically, waving his hands. "You get it? Like, slowly taking your pants off in front of her—"

"What the hell?! Are you nuts? That's sexual harassment! I can't even blame Yejin if she decides to call the cops on me

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"What the hell?! Are you nuts? That's sexual harassment! I can't even blame Yejin if she decides to call the cops on me."

Oh, good Lord. This was getting nowhere.

He should have known better than to have imagined he could rely on his best friend for help on this topic.

Guess he should still rely on himself to...well, get things done.

"Why would it be? And I'm not nuts, I'm telling you to show her your nuts. It worked perfectly fine for Hyojin—" Ha Neul started indignantly, clearly eager to explain himself.

"I don't need to know that!"

"I don't need to know that!"

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