Dirty Green

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She must have been crazy, or insane, or both.

Not that there is a difference.

Horrified by her own actions, the former Student Council president's eyes flew open during the kiss she had initiated.

What on earth was she thinking?

It wasn't even her first week at Yonsei University and here she was, well on her way to establishing an image that was probably everything her nightmares were made of.

Frantically raising her arms to Hyun Bin's chest to put some distance between them, Yejin's eyes widened even more when her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her in closer, refusing to let her go.

What is going on?

Everything was over in less than five seconds, but it surely felt like the longest five seconds ever.

The young couple drew apart, hearts racing.

What the hell just happened?

Around them, mouths were literally hanging open.

Whispers broke out like tiny hissing fires in the crowd in the next second, before some of the boys started cheering and clapping, which only made the situation even more awkward.

"Wow...uh, that escalated quickly." As responsible as ever, orientation group leader Claire feebly laughed as she tried to keep the program running. "Let's collate the results later. Orientation group leaders, can you please lead your respective groups to the next station? We will...we will find something to do."

Everyone around them was clearly interested in knowing more, if not for the seniors herding them away in the direction of the sports halls.

"I guess we should have known." May commented, walking alongside Ha Neul and Hyojin. "Yejin always appears oddly quiet when I gush about Hyun Bin. So they are both dirty green, huh?"

"Mmhmm." Ha Neul casually hummed, crossing his hands behind his head as he walked along. "Like, Shrek and Fiona dirty green."

"The two of you knew all along?"

"Only too well. But my best friend isn't the type of girl you can stop when she sets her heart on something. Even if she is clowning herself." Hyojin laughed, putting her arm around May's shoulders as they followed the seniors.

"A quick word, please. You guys are close with Yejin, right?." Orientation group leader Claire caught up with the trio, asking in a hushed whisper. "What on earth is going on with those two?"

"Basically, both are dirty green." Ha Neul replied, to which their senior chuckled and nodded in realization. "Dating since high school."

"They got together around his birthday in the third year of high school so..." Hyojin mentally calculated, casting a glance at the couple standing somewhere further behind. "Around eight months. That's the official status. The non-official timeline would be...forever. These two have been stuck with each other for as long as I can remember."

Meanwhile, things weren't as pretty when Yejin and Hyun Bin returned to where his orientation group mates were.

"Why would you want to lie about something like that?" One of the girls, whom Yejin had put on her 'Dangerous Figures' watch-list, asked. "You have something to hide?"

The former was clearly displeased with the turn of events, but felt compelled to hop onto moral high ground and slip into ego-protection mode now that Hyun Bin was no longer available.

"I know lying is wrong. I..." Yejin struggled, her lips parting and closing again as she tried to hold scathing remarks back.

The girl was relentless. "Hyun Bin said you are his close friend, didn't he? So when did you get together? Yesterday?"

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