Close Friend

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Lies and snowballs have one thing in common.

The more they roll, the bigger they become.

That was exactly what the former Student Council president was learning.

In a much harder way than it should have been, all thanks to her own stupidity or whatever grandiose concepts of logic she had assumed it to be.

Right now, that snowball looks like it's going to crash.

"Next Monday, if you don't mind of course, only if you don't mind..." The tall boy standing in front of her was as sincere as could be, but all Yejin could contemplate was how she should escape the situation at hand. "Shall we take the bus together to school? Since you also take the subway..."

In all honesty, such moments were the absolute worst.

She could only hope her stony silence didn't go misinterpreted as bashfulness.

Time crawled, and the mounting tension triggered the worst possible answer in this scenario.

"I mind."


In her haste to find the best excuse to brush this rather attractive suitor off, Yejin practically blurted out a train wreck.

"No, no, no sorry, ummm, I'm not exactly saying I mind because it is you, you know? Most people don't enjoy taking the bus with me because I can be very bossy. Oh no, what am I saying? Alright, that doesn't make sense. It's just that I think I will mind it pretty much? To a certain extent, if you get what I mean."

Of course he didn't.

All he wore on those very masculine features was a painfully bewildered expression.

His soulful, melancholic eyes didn't make it any easier for her.

" the bus the problem? Or is it me?"

"Not the bus." Yejin awkwardly laughed, louder and louder, before giving herself a few mental slaps for how horribly nasty that answer must have sounded.

The former council president came close to digging a hole to bury herself in, when help arrived in the form of her best friend's loud, sassy voice.

"Yejin! Come over here, I need to show you something." Hyojin waved commandingly from a distance.

Thank heavens!

"That's my cue--no, what I mean is, that's my best friend. I have to go. See you around." With a forced smile, she whirled around, walking as fast as her legs could carry her to where Hyojin was.

That was how a certain So Ji-sub's dreams of a romantic bus ride and future with this beautiful girl literally disappeared with the final drops of rain outside.

That was how a certain So Ji-sub's dreams of a romantic bus ride and future with this beautiful girl literally disappeared with the final drops of rain outside

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"You owe me lunch." That was the greeting she received from her best friend..

Eyes softening in gratitude, the council president whispered, "I will throw in dinner as well."

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