Wet and Wild

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"I love water games!" Hyojin announced, pulling a black tee-shirt over herself in the girls' changing room.

The freshmen were going for a round of water games, and instructions had been given for the girls to put on dark-colored tee shirts for obvious modesty purposes.

"I love to win! There's no way we will lose." Laughing with her best friend, Yejin reached into her duffel bag for her tee-shirt as well.

Wait a minute.

She was sure she had packed a navy blue tee-shirt, but for some reasons, it wasn't in her bag.

"Hyojin, did you see my navy blue tee-shirt?" The former Student Council president asked, opening her bag wider to sieve through its contents.

"No, but I thought I heard you mention packing it in..."

"I thought so too, but I can't seem to find it. Ugh, I might have to sit out...there is no way I can play water games with this button down shirt."

Hearing the conversation, their new friend Mido, a fresh-faced girl sporting a straight short bob hairstyle, came over with a baby pink tee shirt.

Hearing the conversation, their new friend Mido, a fresh-faced girl sporting a straight short bob hairstyle, came over with a baby pink tee shirt

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"Yejin, I have an extra tee shirt. It is in no way dark-colored, but you can borrow it if it helps." She kindly offered.

That would beat sitting out, Yejin thought. Besides, as long as she was careful about not getting too wet, wearing a baby pink tee-shirt should be okay.

"Thank you so much, Mido, I'll wear this if you don't mind. You're a real lifesaver." She thanked her new friend, who had literally set her sights on being a neurosurgeon one day.

Once the girls had changed into their tee shirts and put red armbands on, they headed back out to the field where orientation group leaders Claire and Kian were already waiting.

The seniors, who had already divided the large group into two teams, assigned an equal amount of balloons to each and explained the details of the Water Balloon Dodgeball game that they will soon be playing.

There was a line drawn in the middle, one that demarcated a border that each team cannot cross when throwing water balloons at their respective opponents.

Listening attentively, Yejin noted the rules. It seems easy enough; it was basically about hurling water balloons across the line at others.

From across the border, her boyfriend discreetly waved, flashing his blue armband, drawing a competitive smirk from the former student councillor and a discreet victory pose.

The briefing ended, and the respective teams took their positions.

Yejin was no exception; she was walking to her assigned location when a voice called out to her from behind.


It was Claire.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to remind you to be careful, since you are wearing a light pink tee shirt. I don't have an extra dark-colored tee, so I can't help you with that. If you wish to sit out, just let me or Kian know."

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