Vol.1 PT.1 - Dealing A Freedom

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POV-chan is very angry at how clumsy I am and is now stepping on me,I will make it up to her with this remake of the original but she's still currently pouting. Honestly being stepped on is really nice,like a message but hurts a bit.......would you be stepped on by POV-chan?

Chapter 1 School Life Changes

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

So much has happened in the span of a year it's almost freaky,I still remember the first ever day that I came to this school,not knowing who or what everything was until just after a few months. I made friends,enemies and rivals throughout the journey but that's what makes it fun,as a wish man once said 'It's not about the journey, it's about the scenery we had along the way'. Perhaps I can finally take that quote into account now....

Though the whole school year didn't go quite as I expected, it's still nice to have people I can call friends to look back at after I head back to the White Room. It's a shame but it's not like I have a choice in the matter,THAT MAN will eventually find me and force me back just like in those weird fanfictions you readers read, what's wrong with you?

Anyway I digress, currently I'm sitting in the class observing the situation at hand,we have Brocon also known as Horikita Suzune having an arguement with Shinohara about me being the commanding tower in this next special exam. Then we have Koenji being Koenji as always,though his face tells me that he has something in mind already.

"Why should we pick a dull looking guy like him?! You said it yourself Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun's abilities are only average so why!" As they continue to argue,I can see Hirata over there,getting ready to leave the class because of all this that's going on. Sudo over there is fapping on the inside while staring at Horikita,likely already released a load since his pants are wet....sort of respectable.

This class is starting to break down and not just because of the consistent masturbating to their own classmates by men and some girls. I doubt Horikita could ever handle this class by herself judging by her personality,which means I need to bring the man known as Hirata Yousuke back to the light as soon as a T-rex can 'eat' it's prey. However doing so wouldn't be very easy as Hirata is currently having an unbelievable mental breakdown,something you normally wouldn't see considering his character.

I understand where he's coming from since this is the first time someone's been forcefully expelled like this,though I felt like Yamauchi wasn't necessary for the class,I can't help but feel bad for him. If only I could helped just a bit more,if only I wasn't so fixated on freedom this most likely would never have happened-

"Fufufu,to stop this unnecessary conversation. I recommend we speak to the defendant himself, Ayanokouji-boy seems like he has something on his mind that may help his case here." Koenji how does that brain of tour's work? Seriously if this were the White Room you'd be above average....perhaps not on the same level as me but still above average- no that's off track,did I have some sort expression on my face? I thought it wasn't very obvious which likely it wasn't which is why Koenji caught on first. Well played gorilla-kun.

"Hmm? Ah,I don't have an opinion on the matte-"

"Yes that's great! Let's have Ayanokouji-kun talk about the situation so that I can prove my point!" Shinohara managed to cut me off immediately before I could finish my sentence.....sad honestly. I might as well follow through and say it's Horikita's plan after.

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