Real World Special Chapter (1)

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*burp* Ah sorry about that- anyway I've been busy recently and decided to put my other book on hold for the time being. POV-Chan has been surprisingly dormant for whatever reason as well so she didn't notify me when I wanted to make a new chapter,who knew eh? I bet she's planning something..... Anyhow here's a special chapter for the real world of CoTE,a special chapter for the other world will be out sometime soon as well so....yeah.

Special Chapter - Confused?

POV: Ayanokouji Korone

How would you answer a question that so doesn't make sense you would actually get sent to an institution while trying to answer it? Well realistically there isn't such a question...until today of course.

It's been a full six months since I've became a woman and honestly I've gotten used to it by now. Though because of the amount of trouble I've made to clear myself of 'Ayanokouji Kiyotaka',I believe I've made myself an enemy of the divine. Why you may ask?

Well simple.....

"Which came first? The chickens or the eggs?" That was what I questioned the Ayanokouji group and they all froze up,likely from shock? No it's more likely to say confusion.

I,myself who asked this question didn't know the answer either which is exactly why I asked...though if someone couldn't answer 'Which came first,the chicken or the egg?' but what you should really be questioning is what I just asked as there couldn't be an egg without two chickens and there couldn't be two chickens without two eggs. Just by multiplying the numbers made the question that much confusing.

It's funny in a way,seeing their confused faces but now that I looked at it differently,it was a dumb ass question. I could have went to someone else for this but naturally I chose the Ayanokouji group since I haven't been with them in a long time.

"Korone.... seriously that question messes up my brain! How did you even come up with that?!" Akito you have no idea how much time I spent last night researching the most confusing questions on Internet-chan.

"Yeah! I don't remember your brother being so curious about things so you two are really polar opposites." Despite being the same person? Keisei what happened? Did the author make you dumber for whatever reason? Comedic pleasure?

"Well Onii-chan was always really carefree so I see nothing wrong with having a different personality compared to him?" That still feels weird,calling myself 'Onii-chan' I mean. I know I need to keep up this act at least till graduation and make up an excuse but eventually I'll slip my tongue and say something I'm not supposed to.

Like the other day,I yelled out 'EXPLOSION!' inside my room and the following day I got some weird looks. Some people thought it was cute but the rest probably had weird thoughts, can't blame them honestly. You,yeah you,the one reading this,I said that for the sake of being a better actor,nothing more nothing less.

"I see....oh speaking of your brother Korone,do you maybe have a brother complex~?" Technically yes?  I wonder why she thinks my female persona has a brother complex....

" I don't think so,why do you ask?"

"Well you're perfect in every way possible,you have the highest grades and physical ability in the whole year but you decorate your room exactly like your brother's! Which is basically nothing inside!" I don't know how to decorate dorm rooms so I knew eventually this was going to be a problem,not in this way though...

"Ah...well my family is very careful where we spend our money so I guess I just picked it off from my parents,as for my brother..... probably the same." That was the best excuse I could have made all day,I should think about lying mo- on second thought I shouldn't.

"S-so your family was really s-strict?" Siri,I actually almost forgot that you were here since you barely talk whatsoever.

"Not strict but spending money was the line we didn't want to cross. Of course if it's necessary then obviously we have permission to do so but for the most part spending massive amounts of cash was prohibited."

"A-ah...I see...." I've decided to live my new life as someone who would be remembered by everyone. My legacy will be imprinted here,at this very school and after I leave.....what then? Do I keep running and eventually get caught by that shit bag? Or do I head back to 'Twisted Heaven' myself?

No I say to those.....I'm going to find a way to make my freedom eternal,I won't stay in the clutches of that dead eyed cock sucker. I'll make sure my time here won't be in vain and defeat that man in his own game.....mark my words.

A/N:Hey hey hey! That's the first Special Chapter for you,basically Special Chapters are sneak peaks of events that haven't appeared in the story yet. Whether it'd be directly or by other means it'll be a sneak peak of something. Who knows it may even have some vital information hidden within the texts? I dunno know.....I KNOW NOTHEEEEENG.

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