Vol.1 Pt.2 - Prices To Pay

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POC-chan is happy that I didn't fucking mess up this time and is giving me the best reward someone could ever get,being chocked by thighs. Honestly how can one have such a wonderful yet beautiful roommate? If you ever want me to lewd POV-chan just ask.....I would totally make it into a special chapter...yeah.

Chapter 4 - Everything Without Nothing

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

What happened? Why does my body feel so.....light? I feel as if my body is being consumed by some sort of liquid,the texture is sort of like how.... tomatoes feel? Well I've never touched the tomato vegetable before but if I'd have to guess this is what it feels like. Where am I anyway?

I've tried to open my eyes already but all I see is total darkness,eventually my eyes would just close by themselves again as if I were sleepy. Whatever is happening could have connections towards the White Room but I won't be too quick to head to conclusions just yet. What I need to do is observe my situation and stay calm.....well the first part might be impossible seeing I can't see anything at the moment, it's just a dark void.

It's possible that this is just a dream and I passed out from boredom a few minutes ago but that doesn't explain why I can't move any type of my body,they all feel immobile at the moment which makes things harder for me to solve my current situation. I've tried biting my tongue but the result was....nothing.

What I could gather at the moment is that I don't feel anything or that I don't feel any pain in this...void I guess. Secondly my body feels incredibly light despite feeling as if I'm being surrounded in tomato sauce. Finally is that ominous floating yellow orb in front of m- wait when was that ever there?

Huh... It seems like it's....just floating around me? If it's living then chances is that he or she...or it is scanning me, analyzing me for whatever reason I won't think too much about. If this is indeed a dream then it has to be a lucid dream,then again why would I dream of something so strange?

It looks like.... it's actually living,it moves around my body as if analyzing me closely before staying in place and moving again in the same pattern. It has been roughly 10 minutes now and it's still doing to exact same pattern of movement,I tried to bite my tongue again but the result was the same as before. Soon I was able to fully open my eyes,now that I can properly observe my situation I can find a solution to my predicament.

Notice:The being known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has been analyzed and copied according to the orders given. Will now be escorting the original vessel to the final process,now entering transporting sequence in 3.....2.....1.

Is that a woman's voice? Sounds like it's coming from that floating orb, what's this about a vessel anyway? The more this goes on the more it feels like....this isn't a dream at all. I should calm my mind for a moment and think properly,it appears I'm being...moved? Well as that woman says I'm likely being transported somewhere.

Wait how did even know that? It's impossible to sense something like this unless you were some sort of super human so how can I tell that I am being transported? Not just that but my thinking is more calculated than before...has my senses improved somehow? Is such a thing even possible?

Notice: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has acquired the Unique Skill:Dragon's Bane. Analyze Unique Skill:Dragon's Bane?

Unique Skill? What is this.....it feel like I opened some sort of software and a bunch of pop-ups just appeared out of nowhere,actually this reminds me of some sort of RPG game as Ike and the other men in the school call it. Perhaps I should just agree to this? Well not like I have anything else to do- wait can it read minds? Well one way to find out.....yes?

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