Vol 1 Pt.3 - Instant Death

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POV-Chan is currently watching anime,I don't know what anime she's watching but sounds great. Anyway she's acting weird lately and might want to kick me soon,I mean the kicks feel nice but they hurt a lot. Save me...or don't,we're all gonna die one day anyway.

Chapter 6 - A Dreadful Encounter

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

I can't say my stay at this new world has been pleasant....though it definitely isn't as boring as I thought after a few days... I suppose I should just come clean and explain what's been happening the past few days...or literally just a day ago. Wise Emperor take it away from here,I need to rest after killing this two headed bear....


Notice: Individual Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will now wake up from slumber in three seconds,do not disturb while this process is in progress.

Finally,it feels like I've just been in hell for awhile and in fact pretty sure I just died. I thought that force field would protect me from being severely harmed,even one broken bone would have been good but the fact that I died speaks a lot despite myself not sounding like I care.

As I got up from the ground,I felt a sharp pain spring out of my right arm,chances are it's still broken so I need to take things a bit easier than normal,hell if the damage is severe then this arm will be completely useless from now on. I took a deep sigh and stood up,holding onto my right arm which broke, conveniently it was my dominant hand.

"Thank god the White Room told us to write with all of our body parts in case something like this were to happened. To me it seemed unreasonable but I see why.... it's still unreasonable honestly" I said while observing my surroundings. It appears like....I'm in some sort of forest,though I've never seen these threes before,not by the school textbooks nor the books the White Room professors gave us to study.

Notice:These are 'Sample Threes',they are mostly used to provide some sort of energy source for the human or monster body. Twin bears especially enjoy f easting on the fruits of the three.

Twin Bears? Whatever those are they sound fierce...though you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover,it could be some sort of teddy bear that hugs you....I hope so at least. No I'm keeping my hopes up a bit too high,calm down or else I might do something reckless when the time comes.

I walked around the area while holding onto my arm,it hurts....it hurts a lot but nothing compared to what happened in the White Room. If I had to compare the pain to something... surprisingly it doesn't feel as if my ulna is broken. Anonymous voice mind explaining that?

Answer:You have gained the Passive Skill:Dimensional Healing. It allows the user to heal any part of their body even if they are in another dimension in exchange for their magicules. The Passive Skill is currently at LV:1

Really now? Well I shouldn't act like I know what these 'magicules' are,still faster healing is an incredible thing to have and it's only at level one meaning it's healing potential can very well exceed this very easily depending by how much it increases by.

As I thought about this so called 'Passive Skill',a bunch of pop-ups came into my vision.....if only I had a computer maybe I can delete the- wait no these look.... quite important. I'm guessing the special exam acting director Tsukishiro made for me is this...to survive in a world that I'm not familiar in the slightest. It won't be boring but....eventually it could get lonely if there aren't any other humans around. Nevermind that,for now I need to survive in this new environment and adapt quickly....luckily I have this voice following me everywhere I go so surviving in this world might actually not be a hard thing to do especially since I have that Appraisal.

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