Vol2 PT.2 - Mid-day Eon

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.......what? Were you expecting some opening words first? Well here they are!

.......Moving onto to the chapter.....

Chapter 3 - Valued Collapse

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Let me fill you in on a few things, it's been a reasonable amount of time since I've came to this world, approximately 40 hours is what I'll say.... Almost two days huh? Well whatever,I've covered way more ground than last time you saw me,this was likely because I have a guide now.

"I know this may be a question that keeps coming out of nowhere but your clothes are...really unique Kiyo-kun." Yeah,my guide is this big blue blob that hops around everywhere. In case you're wondering,he asked my name a few minutes ago and since....well at least in my opinion,giving your real name away to a stranger would be a red flag.

I could have came up with a better name but I was under pressure so there wasn't anything better I could come up with at the time.

"Oh this? It's...uhh I just woke up with these clothes on,I have no memory of it being on my body before hand either." Great job dumbass,no one on earth would believe such a false claim...then again I don't think this thing is from earth nor is this even earth in general.

"Suspicious.....anyway as you how are you liking this place so far?" Said the blue blob...I should address that this thing is named Rimuru Tempest.

Presumably he is the owner of this territory.... Yeah honestly judging by what I witnessed,which was a twin headed fire breathing bear,I'm not very surprised anymore.


was taught quite a bit about this world,for example Magic and Beasts like that Twin Bear from earlier are quite normal. Magic in this world range from normal fire,ice,water magic all the way to time and space manipulating magic apperantly.

"Really? Huh....this sounds more complicated than you make it out to be..." It was my first time hearing so much stuff being explained so calmly...wait no that's what I do half the time huh?

"Eh but is it really? I find it very easy to understand once you get used to it.bsince it seems like you're not very accustomed to this sort of thing,I'll show you the ins and outs of everything that has to do with magic!" 'Once you get used to it' huh? Even if adaptability is my specialty,I don't know if it's possible for me to keep up with this subject especially in another world....

"Now first things first! You need to learn about what Magicules are. So basically magicules ar- eh?!" Right before Rimuru was about to start the lecture,a large earthquake occured.

"Does this normally....happen around these parts?" Judging by the shaking...this is likely equal to an 7 or above earthquake in the real world,at most 9 maybe.

"Oh umm no? If it was normal I wouldn't be freaking out here!" Good point I suppose.

"Hahaha! God Emperor! We settle this now!" Was what the two of us heard before what sounded like a volcano erupted out of nowhere.

Hold on a second,God Emperor? Where,who? Well I shouldn't think about that now,a literal mountain top was blown off with ease and that isn't even mentioning the amount of molten hot lava and debris that came out of said mountain.

"It appears....we may have a problem here......."

Chapter 4 - Koroneko!

POV: Ayanokouji Korone

Ah..... I forgot how good it felt to wake up so early in the morning,my alarm went off about an hour earlier than normal but I was actually supposed to wake up later so what did I decide to do?

Well my dear reader,I went out of the dorms and did a few laps around the school which took a fair bit amount of my precious sweet time. It's really to move into this daily life style in a new body but at least it's interesting.

Every morning now,I would wake up and head out for a morning jog around the school,by morning jog I really mean a few laps around the school,this is mostly done so that I could keep my physical form...not like it exists anymore but my physical abilities stayed as they are. Currently I'm on my last lap around the school and it's already taken about 30 minutes of my time, another hour and 30 minutes and I'll have to head to class so maybe I should pick up the pace.

"That phone call the other day....what was that about?" I kept thinking about the phone I got,it was random since I assumed no one knew my cell phone number since I changed it. Turns out it was just Chabashira-sensei checking to see if the phone I got was working or not.

"Oh? Now what is Introvert-girl doing here so early?" Koenji....this could either be a blessing that you're hear to talk with me since I was getting bored,or a curse that I'm talking to Koenji himself.

"I'm just out for a morning jog,I can see that you're doing the same as well so why did you even ask?"

"Haha! Funny,I suppose that's because I can. A perfect existence like myself always has the rights to ask a question wherever whenever!" This man makes me want to barf. Anyway I discovered that I became more emotional after becoming a woman unlike my male self so that's a fact.

"Well Introvert-girl,I will be heading back now so my perfect existence can take a much needed bath. I encourage you do the same." With those words that shit bag left me be. Thank god because I don't know if I could hold up a conversation with that man.

"I think I should take his advice though." Just like that I started to head back to the dorms.

On the way back to my dorm room,I saw a familiar figure in front of my door....actually two familiar figures. "Huh, Mashiro...and Tachibana-senpai?"

"Hmm? Ayanokouji-san...." Glad to know Mashiro was the first to notice me.

"Who knew you go on morning jogs?" Huh, Tachibana-senpai is a lot more friendly when she isn't talking to my male self.

"Yeah,well I thought I should since my brother isn't very athletic so maybe being athletic in his place would fix that..." Tachibana-senpai looked at me suspiciously.....

"Well no matter,c'mon get ready. You're instructed to head to your class early today,I assume you didn't get that as you went out for you jog." True....though I wonder what this is about,perhaps a special exam announcement?

Right before I was going to enter the room,I felt my hand was held by a rather soft sensation. When I looked to see who held my hand,all I saw was Mashiro's face along with Tachibana-senpai who was face palming.

"Ayanokouji-san......date." Wait what?

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