Vol2 PT.1 - Instant Karma

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It's been around 4 days since I've updated and my sluggish body is already producing some sort of slimey substance. Is it sweat? I dunno,I mean it's likely that it indeed is sweat so I'm counting on that. My brain has gone poof and POV-Chan is acting very sus...save me if you want I guess :p.

Chapter 1 - Tempest

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

I've been running for my life for a long while now,at this point my stamina is starting to run out and this 'mana capacity' I have is draining quickly so I won't be able to do any type of attacks later or worse case scenario,I won't be able to even move. I need to think of something fast or else my death will be inevitable...

I feel a presence watching over this battle if you can even call it that so I ask Wise Emperor to analyse but apperantly the power level of this individual is way beyond what I can bear for now. Honestly if I can't even handle this bear then I don't even want to know who or what is behind these trees watching me run away from a two headed bear.

I mean I'm not physically tired but I'm mentally tired like crazy,seriously anyone would be tired as hell if they ran for about 12 miles none stop......then again apperantly I never run out of mana since I constantly replenish on it somehow but my stamina is still an issue.

"[Electrical Torrents]" That's what I've been using this whole time,it seems to be the most effective but it's still taking too long to kill this overgrown bear....bears? I don't know,only Hornykouji knows but then again how would he?

"I've had an idea for a long while now but not sure if it would even work..." I'm sure this is a terrible idea but judging by the information I've gathered from analyzing these Magic Crystals it should work but if it's more than what my body can handl- ack-.

"How did it get me?" It snatched my off the ground with one of it's claws and even ripped my left leg off my body. The pain I just experienced is a lot....bit surprisingly not as much as I had anticipated,perhaps this is because of that ability that I have? Well whatever the case, it's about time I try this strategy.

"Here goes nothing....." As I was thrown into the air,I pulled out a Magic Crystal Chunk from out of my pocket and shoved it into mouth,crunching it before swallowing it whole.

I had a suspicion ever since encountering this Magic Crystal and it's that it amplifies one's magic power and mana capacity. The evidence all point towards the fact that this Magic Crystal can enhance something's magicules as long as they have the mana capacity to do so, although I'm not completely sure how much my mana capacity is....I was almost completely convinced that my body could hold the infinite power of a Magic Crystal....so I thought about swallowing it.

"I know I'm sort of in the process of being eaten but....this crystal tastes has a minty taste to it. Maybe some hint of sweetness...." What am I even saying now? Welp whatever....

"That throne in the sky does not belong to you,mortal arrogance does not know no bounds." Huh? Wait that wasn't me....

Before I could even think about what I(?) Just said,the claw of the two headed beast was turned to nothing but ashes....pure white ashes... It's true that human arrogance has no limits but there's something else to this killer instinct,this hatred is similar to mine but it seems like this hatred is directed specifically towards this world...why is that I wonder.

"They say the winner finds freedom,and the losers get lost in dread. Let's test that shall we?" Right after I(?) Said that,the bear's heads were penetrated by a hot....long....hard- wait no it's just a long spear. Though it seems like it's still alive...alright me(?) Let's change that.

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