Other World Special Chapter (1)

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Gonna be releasing another book on maybe possibly this Saturday so look out for that,you can just look it up on my profile later this week. Anyway this is a special chapter for the other world which is the world of Tensura so yeah. Have fun reading.

Special Chapter - Jade Seeker

POV: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Hunger has many forms,mostly taking the form of a need for some sort of nutrition in case you somehow didn't know. The human body or even a demon body needs nutrients to survive,in a demon's case or at least in my case I need Jade to sustain my physical form.

You may ask what this Jade is,well I'm standing in front a particular orange stone.....and crunching on some of it that I ripped out. This is the form of 'nutrient' that I need to survive, surprisingly it isn't as hard to chew as you would think,this is likely because of my Unique Skill:[Satan's Jaw] which allows me to eat literally anything,it even gives me the ability to consume anti-matter which is just overpowered.

Over the past few months since I've been here,every few days I need to consume at least 2000 calories worth of Jade and for comparison,one Jade shard equals to around 200 calories so I would need to eat 10 to satisfy my spirit form.

"Hmm? What are you thinking about Ayanokouji?" This blue blood is Rimuru Tempest,a rather friendly creature that can bring ruin to any country he comes across. Alright that may be a bit much....calling it a he isn't very accurate either but I'll stick to it for now.

"Nothing, it's just it is getting easier to crunch on these Jades recently since my Unique Skill has been developing so much." These days I have an escort, there's a very good reason for this and it's to make sure I don't suddenly go berserk since I have the power to destroy an entire nation without even blinking. It's either that fat toad,one of the sexy shrine maidens or Rimuru himself.

"Hey Shinzu hasn't been back and it's getting late,should we go find her?" Right after I finished my last chunk of Jade,Rimuru said that. Honestly even if Shinzu was one of the strongest entities in this world's history, that's old news which means she will struggle with certain enemies such as Demon Crests and Abominations...... coincidentally those two are actually in this region.

"We should,who knows what kind of trouble she ran into while searching for herbs...." Shinzu is one of the strongest beings within the Jura Tempest Federation,she was strong enough to seal that fat ass toad for thousands of years before I came along and spread her legs....yeah we don't talk about that.

"Master!" Looks like we didn't need to go and find her after all.

I looked to my side and saw two jiggly watermelons coming towards me. I could also talk about her outfit but no one cares about that,I think personally that she has a....F-cup maybe? Eh hell if I know,I'm not very familiar with breast sizes.

"Looks like she came back herse- what happened?!" Her body is completely bruised....well I should look at the fact that she's dragging an elder dragon's dead corpse behind herself- wait I didn't know elder dragon's lived in this area.

"Haha....well this elder dragon attacked me while I was gathering these Blue Buster Berries so I killed it!" How can you say that with such a big smile? King dragons are one level above elder dragon's and god dragon's like me are even higher on the scale so that gives you some sort of comparison on how strong elder dragons are.

" *Sigh* Be more careful next time,I don't like doing this in the open." I went up to her and kisses her on the lips after saying that. The way my healing works....is doing sexual activities with members of the opposite sex and it only works on females for some reason, there's a variety of ways to heal but I choose to just kiss... mostly because doing anything else is overkill.

"Hehe...I always loved it when you kiss me master~" I see that Lenny face Rimuru......ah fuck you.

A/N:There you have a short special chapter,this one was actually quite fun to make and I enjoyed it so I hope special chapters will come up eventually....more.....wait I'm the one doing shit.

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