Vol1 Prologue - Exceptional Difference

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This is the prologue for volume 1 of this book,after this look forwards to volume 2 in about three days from the time this chapter has been published. Also POV-Chan is cooking lunch for me and it smells like heaven,if only I was born a bit later! Welp it can't be helped,anyway enjoy this prologue.

Prologue PT.1 - The Dragon That Once Went Against God


Well isn't this just pleasant? Such a surprise....a new True Dragon has been born into this world and they've already found out how to use high level magic...this is truly remarkable. Even I couldn't do that at first but this person or thing...managed to do it just a few minutes after being born!

Could this be the birth of a new God Dragon? If so then that would explain the sudden power rise I felt...just thinking about a new God Dragon makes my blood boil,there has not been one this powerful in over a few hundred years. I wonder who they are....besides sensing their power it is difficult to tell what they look like, especially under this mountain.

This power is incredible! No I could be crushed under this entity just by them breathing on me! That's just a joke but it sure does feel like death would be inevitable if I get on this thing's bad side.

Pahahaha! Such a great day to be alive again! Hopefully they will be able to sense my immense power under this mountain and free me,I would give my complete soul towards them no matter what!

Speaking of soul,this deal should started to disintegrate any time soon now....when that happens I shall go find this god-like entity myself and force him to acknowledge me! Though something feels wrong about them....their power feels other worldly which is very strange as I used [Dimensional Block] to negate any type of dimension hopping magic.....

Did the voice help them? That is the only conclusion I can come to that can break my blocker....unless this power is just natural and I'm over thinking this. This seal is making it hard for me to think, it's taking a hell lot of my magicules just to keep myself sentient inside this prison.

Pahahaha! Wait for me oh great God Dragon! I shall provide everything I have to serve you!

Prologue PT.2 - What Was Once There

POV: Horikita Suzune

It's been quite some time since Ayanokouji-kun has left the class....to be more specific it's been a full day and no one has seen any signs of him at all. On top of all this his room had guards in front of it so gaining information from his dorm room would prove to be nearly impossible unless you are one of the staff members.....then again I don't think the guards would let anyone in that easily judging by the fact that they had real fire arms.

It's strange though....why would the school go to such lengths to protect information about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? Perhaps there's some sort of sinister plan going on here....no if I remember Ayanokouji-kun's personality,he doesn't want any trouble nor does he want to attract much attention to himself.

It would taken me all day just to think about this if it weren't for the announcement of two new transfer students. I initially thought transfers were not possible at this school but seems like I was proven wrong.

Currently Chabashira-sensei is in the class,her hand held onto a marker as she wrote out the names of the two new transfer students.

"Eh? Ayanokouji.....Korone?" Everyone had the same reaction about the first one,naturally I'm quite confused as well. He's never told anyone about siblings before which further increases my suspicious of something going on behind the scenes....though if this is just two normal transfer students,and that this Ayanokouji Korone is in fact Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's sibling then it draws out that possibility.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has was called to an important meeting from his father and will be leaving the school for a whole year. In his place, Ayanokouji Korone has decided to transfer to this school along with another student who goes by the name of Mashiro Shiina."

Father? Meeting? Leaving for an entire year?! How much influence does his father have in order for him to have permission to leave the school for one year? This is getting stranger and stranger by the second...I don't even have the words to describe the current atmosphere of the class right now. The closest word I have is likely to be...guilt?

"You two can come in now." As Chabashira-sensei said that,I saw two majesty beauties walk into the class. Naturally almost all of the male humans in the class started to transform in gorillas, planning to pounce on their mating partner.

"Guess I'll go first.....Um my name's Ayanokouji Korone. I heard that Kiyotaka goes to this school so I transferred here from England to reunite with him but turns out he's currently bedridden. In his place I shall work hard with each one of you from now on." So they might actually be related.....fine.

"Alright,your turn."

"Mashiro Shiina." The other girl was standing next to Ayanokouji Korone,clinging onto her arm for whatever reason.....they seem like a married couple now.

So these are the new classmates huh? One permanent....and one that could only stay for a year....still one of them emmit some sort of familiar feeling.....

A/N: That's it for the Prologue,honestly surprised I was able to write all of this in one day but again I drank a lot of monster to do this. In the name of Micheal Reeves 'It's like alcoholism but less productive' I guess.

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