Aaron ( After Dark )

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Name: Aaron Nachlet ( real name )
                      Navier ( fake last name)

Story: After Dark

Age: 16

Gender: Bisexual male

Hometown: Heradoht Village, Kingdom of Fargas

Family: Mother- Judith Amon ( deceased )

Father- Raeburn Nachlet ( deceased )

Gawain ( half-brother )

Profession: Mercenary

Weapon: Dagger, magic

Appearance: Although Aaron is of average height, Gawain is taller by a good 10 cm. He has neck length, platinum blonde hair, caramel skin and emerald eyes. Skinny yet robust, Aaron is agile and highly proefficient in magic.

Attire: He usually wears an ashen grey shirt, brown pants and leather boots under a black cloak. He has a pouch and a dagger with an intricate handle strapped around his waist.

Accessories: grimoire, poisoned needles, sewing kit

Personality: Aaron loves his little brother a lot. He usually keeps to himself. Reserved by nature, he can be a little snappy at times and can get easily annoyed. Sometimes he feels jealous or envious of his little brother's fame. Loves practising magic. Being alone with animals and nature has therapeutic effects on him.

Likes: Gawain, Ruby the dragon, animals, painting landscapes, magic, being free, reading, rainy days

Dislikes: Socialising in general, clingy people, eggplants, summer


Here is Aaron's bio!! @LucyRanger16 here it is! I know Aaron's your favourite.

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