Gawain ( After Dark )

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Name: Gawain Rainsworth

Story: After Dark

Age: 14

Gender: Heterosexual male

Hometown: Heradoht Village, Kingdom of Fargas

Family: Mother- Judith Amon ( deceased )

Father- Vladimir Rainsworth ( alive )

Aaron ( half-brother )

Profession: Knight of Fargas

Weapon: Sword

Appearance: Gawain is fair skinned has raven black hair and emerald green eyes. He is well-built due to him training everyday and honing his skills.

Attire: Knight- When in service Gawain wears an ice-blue armor with golden designs at its ends; armor worn only by the Knights of Fargas who serve unde King Nox's direct command. When not on duty, Gawain wears his training attire: a dirty pale blue shirt, light brown pants and black boots.

Accessories: pouch, personalized medical kit

Personality: Though arrogant and despite being more stubborn than a donkey as well as knowing a bit too well his worth, Gawain is loyal and caring. Hard to read, he does as he pleases but when it comes to Aaron he can be very sweet and childish. He is hungry most of the time and does not consider himself nor is- as others might think- close to Vladimir, his father.

Likes: His big brother, Aaron, eating, running around barefooted on the grass, climbing, horses.

Dislikes: King Nox, eggplant, winter, ghosts


Yup, that's all. , I know you would have preferred Aaron's bio but don't worry I'm working on it!

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