Cherrylock ( Black Clover)

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Name:  Lise Cherrylock

Age: 16

Home kingdom: Spade Kingdom

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Closet bisexual

Status: Commoner

Family: Father, Asher, deceased

Mother, Claire, deceased

Younger brother, Aristol Boisdepin, assumed missing in action by Lise

Occupation: Assassin ( Former )
                        Magic Knight ( Current )

Squad: Green Mantis

First Apparition: A Strange Girl ( Black Clover Fan fiction) by

Personality: Determined by nature, Lise Cherrylock is unfortunately dense when it comes to romance. She is usually quiet but knows how to speak up when needed. She will always try her best to help those she associated herself with and is dedicated. Also, Lise is extremely sensitive about her height. She does not like it when people mock her and can destroy anything view when angered.

Appearance: Lise has curly raven-black hair that reach slightly below her shoulders, amber coloured eyes and is short in height. As an assassin, she wore a discreet combat outfit made of black, deep blue and violet. As a magic knight, alongside the Green Mantis coat.

Grimoire: Lise has a regular grimoire, muted vermilion in colour with discreet golden lining.

Magic: Shadow Weapon Creation (temporary)
              - Psychological Control (original)

How magic operates: Shadow Creation- allows user to create weapons made of shadows or use the shadows themselves as a means of fighting.

Psychological Control- this magic uses up a lot of mana. It requires the user to dive into the target's mind and push the target's consciousness into a state of sleep to gain full control over their body and 5 senses. Allows the user to gain access to target's grimoire and magic spells. The longer this magic is put to use, the greater is the amount of mana consumed.

However, the downside to Psychological Control Magic is that the user's body is usually left defenceless. If the user's body is damaged psychological control is cancelled and the user's counciousness is brought back to their body.

Backstory: Was cursed by Lady Vanica. Entire assassin clan was killed except for her little brother, Aristol, who is missing.

Likes: quiet places, her personal space, reading, eating, pastries, listening to music- violin

Dislikes: People who are too noisy, attracting too much attention, Megicula, feeling out of place, Lady Vanica.

Love Interest: Dorothy Unsworth

Additional information: Lise was against joining Green Mantis but got forced to.

- feels slightly dizzy when at high altitudes.

- wants to know how Nozel Silva does his hair

- Weirded out by Jack the Ripper

A/N : Lise Cherrylock was created to appear in ' A Strange Girl ( Black Clover Fan fiction series ) by Do check out this wonderful story if you haven't already

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