Interesting Choice

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Mimie had said maybe seven words in total before they left for the airport the following morning

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Mimie had said maybe seven words in total before they left for the airport the following morning. None of which had been directed at Jungkook. The closest he'd gotten to a conversation with her, was her responding with a hum of approval to his announcement that they had better get going. Even then, he wasn't entirely sure she hadn't actually been responding to something his mother had just said quietly to her.

It wasn't as if he hadn't tried to talk to her. From the second his alarm went off he'd been making excuses to interact with her, but she seemed to have predicted his every move and so was never where he thought she was going to be. It would have been easier to herd a hundred feral cats into a single basket.

Even on the plane, she kept at a distance and immediately put in her headphones. Despite Jungkook's suspicions that she was just pretending, he couldn't deny that Mimie did look like she was asleep- and she hadn't flinched despite how long he'd let himself take in her adorable appearance. With her legs tucked up to her chest and her whole body engulfed in a blanket, she looked tiny and peaceful; he didn't have it in him to rouse her from that just because he had something he wanted to say. Also, selfishly, he didn't hate the view he had, nor did he hate the freedom to stare for as long as he wanted without any of the members (or even Mimie) noticing.

Essentially he'd fucked it. That was the long and short of it. There was nothing complicated about what had happened, no matter how hard he tried to argue otherwise. He'd kissed her because he felt like it and then had second-guessed himself and run away like a scared little boy. It wasn't just embarrassment weighing down on Jungkook, he was also ashamed. Their budding friendship was ruined. On top of that, he'd also betrayed Namjoon, who'd warned them to keep their distance from Mimie before they'd ever met her. Well, he'd warned the Maknae line. Their hyungs had all known Mimie since she was a child and so the dynamic between them would always be different. However, to the maknaes, Mimie was a pretty girl, who understood their lifestyle and was always around and was relatively close in age to them. As Yoongi would put it- she was an opportunity for something new.

Obviously, Jungkook had found Mimie attractive when they'd first met. She'd been dressed up beautifully for Joon's birthday and she had smiled brightly when she was introduced to them. But also he'd been eighteen and fairly deprived of female interaction except for staff members as a result of his career. So Mimie had been a breath of fresh air. He had no obligations to her, there weren't contracts separating them or conflicting ideas of how things might potentially go between them. 

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